So this one was pretty basic.
Don't take much research to see it for what it was.
So the Arab terrorist decides to explode a nail bomb at a crowded concert of mostly young girls in Manchester England England on the 22 hour of the 22 day and kill 22 people. They said he was 23 years old but he later lost a year to make him 22 as well.
He does this because he hates America.
So he doesnt blast the bomb in an area filled with young screaming shitty music fans for maximum effect.
Instead he makes it go off in a remote corridor outside the seating area.
He also waits until after the concert ends because after all those little lost souls paid good money to see the concert.
So, the bomb goes off.19 dead from it wow, oh no 22 dead now., many more injured, how horrendous.
No video off the bomb going off even though there are thousands of teenies with cel phones there.
And no CCTV which would be everywhere in a modern Arena. Even that area between floors on the stairs where everybody pees.
But we never get any CCTV in these events do we? No, but sometimes some realy crappy stuff that shows nothing filmed off a computer monitor.
Here they dont even give us that.
So boom! Explosion, bodies everywhere.
With that death and injured count there must have been blood everywhere.
People covered in it like at the Pulse where over 100 humans were shot multiple times.
Everyone would be covered in blood. What, nobody covered in blood at Orlando neither? Not even the shooting victims who bled for hours prior to being filmed? Go figure.
Ive been in Florida bar fights where a bloody nose or 2 gets everybody covered in it.
So where is any photos and videos of this carnage?
A little blood here. Not like war profiteer Jake RAAK who was shot in Istanbul on Christmas no blood , but actual real blood.
22 dead, many more injured. Would be a very gruesome and messy scene. Not just the victims but their friends and people who tried to help both professional and civilian.
Thousands of cameras. A literal bloodbath. Why is there not one photo out there to show this?
But we did get some nice shiny photos in the MSM for the world to see and there was a wikipedia page that knew everything up 20 minutes after the event.
Ok the most popular photo to prove this was real.
A young woman with either her pants blown apart or cut open as to apply a little bandange to her boo boo on her knee.
And of course no shoes. No shoes is a common theme in every one of these. Where did they go? Were they blowed off her feet?
We'll never know for sure.
Well here is the thing. The only way to cut a pair of tight pants from a body is from the bottom cuff.
Not only for obvious safety but to get 360 degree access to the wound for dressing.
Not here.
Or did the bomb blow her pants wide open?
A force strong enough to blow apart tight jeans but yet her legs are still smooth and silky?
Highly unlikely. Ridiculous actually.
But more obvious.
We got 22 dead, many more wounded and bleeding.
Would be chaos. Would be people in need of life saving help.
Yet this little princess with a booboo on her knee who managed to get away from the massive death area and make it outside with a banjo, I mean bandaid on her knee gets the sole attention of 4 fucking cops.
And just in time for this nifty staged photo op that made every "news" service worldwide almost instantly.
Do a little research. Find one thing that proves this happened.
Thousands of soon to be the minority in their country little English girls all with video cameras.
Surely evidence of such a horrific event must be out there by now.
But you wont find it because it doesnt exist because all this was a fake explosion put through the sound system after Big Ariana was done singing so people could hear it.
Then some start to run. probably frightened by professionals to do so, and herd instinct takes over and everybody runs.
Thats how easy it is, and thats all this was.