How can the writing on Breaking Bad be so damn good, while the writing on 99% of the other shows on TV be so damn bad?
Just my opinion, but I think that Gus killed that guy because he failed his assignment. He was sloppy and got emotional about how he could correct the mistake (he could cook and they could still whack Walt and Jesse). But remember, up to this point, that guy had always been kind of like Gus: cool, effective, careful, etc. And I think Gus took his time about it so that Walt and Jesse (and the ex-cop henchman) would understand that "the wages of being a fuckup are death." Also, I think that's the first person we've seen Gus directly harm (by his own hands). So that could have also been a way to communicate that Gus will "get his hands dirty" if you call his bluff.
Hey Marlo, ya know who Gus reminds me of? Marlo Stanfield from The Wire! Yeah, Gus is more polished. But below that polish, he is a cold blooded, unemotional individual. And as he showed last night, he'll go "street" on your ass if he needs to, just like Marlo did in the final episode of The Wire. Scary! I hope they keep Breaking Bad on for at least a couple more seasons. This is great stuff!!!