Both of those look delicious, if unhealthy. I'd take either or.
My ideal breakfast (and the one I indulge in most) is oatmeal (regular or steel-cut) with plain Greek yogurt and some almonds and crumbled dried plums mixed in, delicious.
i love ramen for breakfast. im not sure what that comes in at.
i need to find proper noodles though. packaged ramen noodles are fried and really fattening. and that packet? all crap.
never been an eggs for breakfast person and i never cared for bacon. i've also gone veggie. i did enjoy turkey sausages in my time though.
Hunt down an Asian supermarket. Even if it is a distance from you, make the trip. I have 3 within reasonable driving distance from me. They each have an entire supermarket length aisle with raw noodles on one side and the other side has the bagged, cup, and bowl sized flavored noodles. Some of the bowls are over a quart in size. You will be in ramen heaven.
My breakfast will be the english one except for that red thing on the left.
Oh, you common members close to Versailles and in Flanders fields,
already risen, or still awake?