I have been putting this entry, I know I need to write it but I have not had the energy nor the giddy up to just do it. Some topics come easily and flow naturally and others are just a struggle from start to finish. Some of you will completely agree with me and others of you will not…and most likely each side as passionate as the other. The reason I am writing this goes way beyond todays news topics. Casey Anthony. As I write the name my blood boils. I don't know her so to say anything about her personally would not be appropriate, however….. based on the few facts that the prosecutor managed to whisper out I can tell you I do not like her very much. There are forensic facts in this case that seem to be missing, lies covering lies making the truth difficult to find (beyond a shadow of a doubt), and the then there is the fact that this case, like so many modern day catastrophes….become little more than sick entertainment for the bored and lame brained society we have become. I know I know I am not trying to be a mean name caller but let me get through this before you send hate mail. My point is that we, as a collective whole, are getting off on this shit. We follow these cases like we used to follow real news like the stock market, international news, politics. Now? Reality TV and the like have made us stupid. No one seems to want to think, advance become better. Let's just watch some seriously screwed up people act a fool on national TV because that's …fun? I don't care who the next Bachelorette decides to fake marry or which housewife slept with her friends husbands. Why are we calling this entertainment? Why are these people making more money than Educators and Executives? Casey Anthony is a real and serious case. A little girl is dead……murdered while supposed to be protected by her Mother. People are taking sides as if this was a fucking football game. As far as the trial goes, no one won. The innocent baby lost, the Anthony's have lost and Casey lost…period.
Someone got away with murder and how do we handle it…book deals? porn movie gigs? reality TV? Yeah let's set this woman up with financial successes because that sends the right message. Guilty or not this is not someone our children, or ourselves should freaking be looking up to. I have to ask, where is the logic? On a flip side the woman is found innocent, right? Ok so how hypocritical is it to suggest she not be allowed to have more children? Face the consequences of the verdict people. She was found innocent there for she gets all her freedoms back. You can't find her innocent and then say "but you can't have any more kids?" WTF. That is the opposite of logic. Look, I don't want to see her having more babies, personal feeling, but I sure as hell wouldn't tell her she can't have more after being found innocent! Yikes I am getting jazzed up, sorry.
In a nut shell, I wish ( thought do not see us coming back from this) people would wise up and choose to "celebatize" people more deserving of such. People making the word a better place, safer place, beautiful place….let's recognize and follow them, not the bottom feeders of society. OK, now I have to balance my nerves out….time to hit the gym. Peace all!
PS- new scenes with RK, Brazzers and NA around the corner *wink*