Not really. From time to time, I have shunned the products or services from certain companies, and usually written letters or emails to explain my feelings. And every now and again, I'll get a reply - which surprises me. But no, nothing consistent.
On the way back from a race a few years ago, a friend of mine was riding with me. And when we stopped to get gas, I pulled into a Citgo station. My buddy said he'd pay for the entire fill-up if I'd go to the Exxon station across the road, as he didn't want to ride in a car burning Venezuelan/Chavez gas.
I couldn't have cared less. But for a free-fill-up, sure, we'll go too whichever station you want (as long as I know the gasoline is of good quality).
I tend to spend more time finding companies to support, for various reasons (usually their sponsorship of races, drivers or series that I like). But whether you boycott or support certain companies,
if you don't write letters or emails notifying them of your actions and why, what you're doing makes no difference at all. The gain or loss of a single sale is so marginal that it's not even a drop in the bucket. But with a flood of emails and the company being able to link the loss of many single sales to some PR or political stance the company has taken... now
that could make a difference. But people usually do these things in silence and that's why I think they're generally pointless.
I boycott all illegal drugs inclucing marihuana because I don't want my money to go to those monstruous criminal cartels
I understand and agree with that. But haven't you previously mentioned that you go south of the border and partake of other "services" that are likely feeding the cartels? :dunno: