Anecdotally, a friend once told me that humans were no longer evolving because we have seeming eliminated all elements of Darwinism.
All elements of Darwinism have not been eliminated. The locus of evolution is the gene not the individual (as Dawkins has explained). In other words, as always, the individuals who are able to more successfully pass on their genetic material are the ones whose traits will contribute to the course of evolution. Thus if this boy had had children, his genes for excessive risk taking would be passed on, contributing to human evolution. While genius Ludwig Wittgenstein (IQ 190), who never had children, (as far as I know) would not.
Perhaps your friend is alluding to the notion that humans now control their environment to a greater degree than any other species and thus force the environment to adapt to them rather than adapting to it. This however is merely a shift in the game of evolution not evidence that the game is over. Evolution in this case becomes increasingly based on mental and social factors rather than purely the local physical environment. That is another topic altogether and in any case it is very different from saying that humans are no longer evolving.