Those invading shitholes get shamelessly more demanding by the day. Yesterday yet another gazillionth group of fuckers were bitching because they were made to wait for hours upon reaching the border fence. They bitch that they had to sleep that night there next to the border fence in the very cold temperatures because, "They didn't tend to us." Wwww WHAT? Since when is it the Border Patrol's job and responsibility to make sure that they "tend to" those fuckers IMMEDIATELY upon reaching the border fence? If you froze your asses off, that's YOUR problem you SOBs!
That was YOUR ill-advised plan.
There they were oozing out their hard luck stories about what their kids had to go through that freezing night. Right about there, the Border Patrol and the entire USA government could go as Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker said in the movie Spiderman, "I missed the part where that's my problem." No one here put them in that situation. In fact, all those adult fuckers should have their kids taken away as that is child abuse.
They didn't even realize they fucked up in trying to generate mega sympathy. In what had obviously already been previously set up, some reporter asks a little girl, "So how long has it been since you had a meal?" The little girl replies, "Nnnnggg ... THREE days." Not 3 meals, but rather 3 DAYS of not eating! And then they DIE like those 2 kids from last year and they blame the Border Patrol and want exhaustive, independent investigations to get to the TRUTH!
Are we supposed to believe that 1 little girl is the only person in all these caravans who hasn't eaten in 3 days? Of course, there's also the other side. The little girl could also have been lying / exaggerating to generate sympathy. Fucking bunch of invading SCAMMERS! :cussing:
If you're gonna be happily paying Coyotes $5,000 to $7,000 per person to smuggle you ... you should insist THEY "TEND to YOU." You don't pay the Border Patrol shit. Why should they tend to you?