Border Wall

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Hiliary 2020
The point is not that the wall is a waste of money euals border protection should be less funded and developed.

It rather means the opposite.

Your border protection and the fight against drug and migrant trafficking needs a boost, and you must not burn that bulk of workpower and money on a static, stupid wall. There is a lot of high-tech solutions that provide a WAY better ratio of preventing the traffickers.

I've said it many times, if they really wanted to stop ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION all they have to do is cut off the free stuff to illegal.
That is why most come.
It doesn't take a Caveman to figure that out.

That is why THE WALL is bullshit. Its just a storyline in the phony fake show that is US politics.
The Wall in Game of Thrones is more real than the Trump one.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Number of Democrats that support border security- All of them.

Number of Democrats that support Trump's Wall- None of them.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


Closed Account
Please direct me to a list of free stuff the government gives illegals.
Just for starters ... a ton of money is being wasted on medical care for those caravan scumbags that they won't be paying back ever.

A couple of nights ago I saw on the local News a chart of some numbers. In the West Texas area and Southern New Mexico, the Border Patrol has already sent 2,000 plus caravan illegals to the hospital. It has cost 19,000 plus BP agents man hours for transportation and keeping tabs on them while in the hospital, etc. Not a single one of those fuckers is gonna pay so much as a cent for any of that medical care. Remember that illegal that I mentioned coming in with flesh-eating bacteria?

Remember the detention facility at Tornillo, TX that provided food, clothing and shelter for up to 2,000 unaccompanied children for who knows how long and who had no business being here to begin with? None of those children are going to pay a single cent for THAT.

Back in December ... ICE was releasing illegals (pending their court dates) at the El Paso bus station. They were being given $200.00 each. I'm sure they won't pay a cent of that back.

It all adds up. For someone who has no permission, no respect, no manners and no invitation to be here, those invading fuckers sure are costing the government a LOT! Since those illegals aren't gonna pay ANYTHING for it, it's FREE stuff being given to them.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Just for starters ... a ton of money is being wasted on medical care for those caravan scumbags that they won't be paying back ever.
It all adds up. For someone who has no permission, no respect, no manners and no invitation to be here, those invading fuckers sure are costing the government a LOT! Since those illegals aren't gonna pay ANYTHING for it, it's FREE stuff being given to them.

The only thing illegal aliens get free from the government is emergency medical care, and that's a humanitarian thing. Those, "caravan scumbags" have every right to seek asylum, most won't get it, if any. The popular, "conservative" myth that, "illegals get a ton of free stuff from the government" is bullshit.
Just for starters ... a ton of money is being wasted on medical care for those caravan scumbags that they won't be paying back ever.
It has cost 19,000 plus BP agents man hours for transportation and keeping tabs on them while in the hospital, etc. Not a single one of those fuckers is gonna pay so much as a cent for any of that medical care. Remember that illegal that I mentioned coming in with flesh-eating bacteria?
What should be done with them ? The law says they deserve a proper trial but for that to happen they need to be healthy (otherwise they could contaminate any person who gets close enough to them.
Or maybe you don't like that law, maybe you think they should be sent back to the other side of the border immediately without any trial of any kind.Mayb you fancy those authoritarian regimes who don't give a shit about human rights...

Remember the detention facility at Tornillo, TX that provided food, clothing and shelter for up to 2,000 unaccompanied children for who knows how long and who had no business being here to begin with? None of those children are going to pay a single cent for THAT.
What's your alternative ? Leaving them in a dungeon with no light, no food, nothing but a bucket and sierra cup of water/day ?

Back in December ... ICE was releasing illegals (pending their court dates) at the El Paso bus station. They were being given $200.00 each. I'm sure they won't pay a cent of that back
I'm sure you can provide us some sources for that...


Hiliary 2020
Could you direct me to a list of free stuff that illegals get?

Those are the big ones.

The way they get it is from THE CHILDREN.

That's why in years long gone you had mainly young Mexican males here illegally because they came for work.
Now its women and children everywhere.
That is how they get the FREESHIT.

What do you think when they have those 5 kids per woman they get a hospital bill?
What do you think that they pay for rent, cars, food, medical, energy, clothing ect ect for all those people all from the males job that is probably not much over minimum wage?

They are here for the free shit. They ain't here for the lovely weather or the healthy food.

And you know its not the Mexicans fault.
Its not the Governments or The Law, or the Politicians.
Obviously any right thinking person would not like to see their country filled with a hundred million illegals (Today, wait another 20 years then Oh Boy!).
Its the fault of the owners of this country. The real owners.
They want this. If they didn't it would not be happening.
Nothing happens by chance, only by design.

That is why there will never be a WALL.

Thank You! You've been great!


Hiliary 2020
I know you think its bullshit but it isn't.
Anyway, Lets Make It Great Again, Build a Wall, Lock Her Up ect.

Anybody remember Ms. Torso from Rear Window?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I know you think its bullshit but it isn't.

No, you're right, once an illegal has a child on American soil, the child is a citizen. That doesn't change the status of the parent, but it complicates the situation and the illegal parent(s) end up getting free shit. You are absolutely correct about that.


Closed Account
Johan said:
What should be done with them ? The law says they deserve a proper trial but for that to happen they need to be healthy (otherwise they could contaminate any person who gets close enough to them.
Or maybe you don't like that law, maybe you think they should be sent back to the other side of the border immediately without any trial of any kind.Mayb you fancy those authoritarian regimes who don't give a shit about human rights...
BINGO! EXACTLY! What should be done is have them sent back sooner than immediately without any fucking trial!!! That's the way it used to be. That's the way it should be again.

Johan said:
What's your alternative ? Leaving them in a dungeon with no light, no food, nothing but a bucket and sierra cup of water/day ?
My alternative is they should have NEVER been allowed to enter the USA. WTF are they doing here? I suppose they’re going to work? The parents who sent them over here should be put in jail for child abuse. Doing that kind of shit that those parents back in those countries do … would get your kids taken away by the CPS here and you put in jail.

Johan said:
I'm sure you can provide us some sources for that...
Dude, if you lived in the front lines, in the trenches like I do, you’d know this shit. You wouldn’t even need Google. You live a gazillion miles away from this "National Emergency." You can't possibly begin to know the scope of this. It is infuriating to be seeing in the News 100 … 200 … 300 fuckers turning themselves over to the Border Patrol agents pretty much just about daily. Then upon setting their 1st foot on USA soil … they start demanding medical care, food, clothing, shelter. They start being a drain on the government upon the word go.


Closed Account
The only thing illegal aliens get free from the government is emergency medical care, and that's a humanitarian thing. Those, "caravan scumbags" have every right to seek asylum, most won't get it, if any. The popular, "conservative" myth that, "illegals get a ton of free stuff from the government" is bullshit.
The thing is, xfire, while unfortunately for us they have the right to asylum, most have sham reasons for wanting asylum. Heck, reasons that aren't even in the official criteria for asylum.

Heck, just for starters, I don't know why the government here isn't holding them to the fact that's been said that for those seeking asylum ... the adjacent country is where it pertains to them. Therefore, the USA is NOT where asylum pertains to all those caravan people from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador. Right there alone asylum could and SHOULD be denied.

Since I know Spanish, I get to catch the sham asylum seekers on Univisión spill out the REAL reasons why they're here and it's not that they're fleeing any DANGER or that they're gonna be killed if they return to their country or shit like that like they like to claim. Seeking work is not a legit asylum acceptable criteria. Neither is wanting "el sueño Americano" ... the American Dream. If it were true that they're gonna be killed if they return to their country, why is it that they leave most of their family over there?

There on Univisión the fuckers admit on camera how they "hear that if you bring along a child, it increases your chances of getting asylum." So, they bring along a kid or kids as a tool for asylum chance increasing.


Closed Account
That's true, once a child is born on U.S. soil, the child is a citizen and the family gets free shit after that.
EXACTLY! meesterperfect explained that part very well. :yesyes: :thumbsup:

There is an epidemic of "Madres Solteras" ... illegals "Single Mothers" around here. Or at least that's the way they present themselves when renting a place. It is infuriating. They'll have like 3 kids. They don't work, but they have Cable TV or DishTV, cellphones ... the works! Then their boyfriends or husbands move in and there are the beer parties and cookouts ... even though nobody works.