Even assuming Trump gets his financing for the border wall. Even by Trump's own standarts, 5 billions is far from being enough to all the costs for its construction.
And even assuming Trump gets his 5 billions, it's far from being the only thing standing between Trump and his wall
But let's assume all the other hurdles are out of the way : The wall won't be constructed overnight, it will take a very long time And it's qui possible that a Democrat is elected before it's over. And you can be sure that the day a Democrat president starts his mandate the construction will stop.
But let's assume the wall is completed. You can be 100% sure that the first executive order a democratic president will issue will be the destruction of the wall.
But all that is not gonna happen 'cause Trump won't declare such an emergency. Otherwise he would have already done it. The fact that he hasn't done it yet, even thought the shutdown hurts him more than Democrats proves he can't and won't do it.
This is the most delusional thing that I have read on here in a while.
Trump is going to get re-elected, the Democrats do not have a candidate that can defeat him.
People in a majority of states will have elected him twice and that will give him his mandate to finish it. Any future president in the next 30 years that tries to tear it down will be responsible for triggering the next American civil war.
That and a far reaching gun grab will do it.