Border Wall


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Mexico Is Stealing The Border Wall



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Would really be appreciated if that construction would be "see-through", meaning single elements in a row. So much easier to handle!


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Federal judge blocks Trump from using Defense funds for parts of border wall

Washington (CNN)A federal judge on Friday night blocked President Donald Trump from tapping into Defense Department funds to build parts of his US-Mexico border wall.
In a 56-page ruling, Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern District of California blocked the administration from moving forward with specific projects in Texas and Arizona, saying Trump couldn't disburse the funds without congressional approval. The lawsuit that prompted the ruling was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the plaintiffs, the Sierra Club and Southern Border Communities Coalition.
Although Friday's ruling does not prevent the Trump administration from using funds from other sources to build the projects, it's a setback for the President on a signature agenda item that has consistently been thwarted by Democrats in Congress. Construction on the projects affected by the ruling could have begun as early as Saturday, according to the ruling.


19 Former GOP Members of Congress Denounce Trump’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Effort to Fund Border Wall

A group of 19 former Republican members of Congress have denounced President Donald Trump's efforts to redirect funds to build a wall along the border of Mexico and the U.S., calling the efforts “unconstitutional” in an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit against the move.

“The Constitution created three co-equal branches of government, with the power to make laws and spend funds placed squarely in the hands of Congress. President Trump's national emergency declaration, and his redirection of military funds to build a border wall, is a clear attempt to usurp that role for himself,” Mickey Edwards, who served as a Republican in the House of Representatives for Oklahoma from 1977 to 1993, said in a statement emailed to Newsweek.

“As members of Congress, we took an oath to support and defend the Constitution—and we continue to live by that oath today,” he continued. “That's why we, and our Republican colleagues, must speak out against this contrived national ‘emergency.'”



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Closed Account
It remains to be seen though, what exactly those 15,000 Mexican troops ACTUALLY DO. Considering corruption is a way of life over there, they can easily be bought. Or if they're there to just be greeters and hosts like the troops from here; that won't help. IMO they have the plan backwards. Those 15,000 Mexican troops should be at their southern border with Guatemala to shutdown / DENY every last invading fucker from even making it into Mexico in the first place. Cuz once they make it to the Mexican northern border, there's just way much more probability that they're gonna make it across one way or another. Be it the Democrats helping them out or coyotes or whatever.

I'll believe it when I see it actually work.


Closed Account
The Western Journal said:
However, Trump has shown again and again that, distasteful as they may be, tariffs and the threat of tariffs are nevertheless extraordinarily effective tools to garner compliance and cooperation.

Mexico has never cooperated to this extent in addressing the illegal immigration situation, and this recent cooperation has only come about by way of Trump’s tariff threat.

Does anybody really think that a President Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, or Elizabeth Warren, or Pete Buttigieg would ever achieve similar results, or even try to in the first place?
Fucking A! Either one of those fuckers and bitches would just roll out the red carpet for ALL illegals from everywhere. What is needed is someone with BALLS to do what has to be done. Democrats need not apply.


Closed Account
It is very interesting, but not surprising how the Democrats' "caring" for the migrants varies extremely depending on whether migrants died while "in Border Patrol custody" or NOT while in Border Patrol custody. Recently there has been (1) Some migrants murdered across the border while still in Juárez Mexico ... (2) A woman and her 3 children being found dead ... (3) A man and his child being found dead from drowning ... and the Democrats have not gone on their usual soap opera rhetoric about DEMANDING that there be an exhaustive investigation as to just exactly how they died and wanting heads to roll. That's because they didn't die in Border Patrol custody. So those deaths don't serve their agenda whatsoever. So they just move on to go be PITAs somewhere else.


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That underwear stain O'Rourke must already be preparing himself for when the Democrats supposedly win in 2020 and decriminalize illegal immigration. Today he was campaigning in Juárez, MEXICO! :facepalm: Yeah, he was doing some major ass kissing and dick sucking. He was checking on the asylum seekers to see what they need and blah blah blah.

Meanwhile USA citizens and real USA issues are not even in his backburner to do list.

Most people on this local TV station's facebook tore him to shreds because of his stupidity. They pointed out how O'Rourke obviously doesn't even know for which country he's running for president and which people can actually VOTE for president.


From what republican voters have commented, most of them have at least a few thousand extra dollars from Trump's tax cuts.
So if every republican voter donated $100, they would have enough money for private contractors to build most if not the entire wall.

Private organization built a half-mile border wall in El Paso, Texas




Hiliary 2020
"In fact, between October 2016 and February 2019, 43 percent of foreigners convicted of U.S. crimes came through the northern border, while just 15 percent entered through the southern border.
The other 42 percent gained entry at ports and airports. "

The wall should be built on the northern border.

#MAGA :rolleyes:

Now just one cotton pickin minute. Are you saying that Canadians committed 3 times more crime in the USA than Mexicans?
And the ones who came by boat and plane committed over 3 times more crimes than Mexicans?
Are we talking tourists here?

You really can't believe that can you?

I admit I feel the huge majority of illegal mexicans are not criminals but poor people taking advantage of a system that is specifically designed for them to take advantage of with the end game being a weak and dependent society which can be easily controlled and influenced. But I doubt Canadians are committing more crime than Mexican is the US.


Closed Account
Well, well, well ... the Fullofshitocrats have some explaining to do. Yet again, their assertion that the U. S. Border Patrol has murdered ALL of the migrants that have died in recent months ... has had an Aircraft Carrier-sized hole blown up in it.

I dare AOC, O'Rourke, Veronica Escobar, Pelosi or ANY Democrat to explain just exactly how the U. S. Border Patrol murdered THAT Honduran migrant. After all, according to Democrats, the U. S. Border Patrol is supposed to have the monopoly as the exclusive murderer of ALL migrants that have died. The U. S. Border Patrol is supposed to have their hands FULL of BLOOD!

In that article, yet again it is made crystal clear whose fault the death is. Yet again, as with the other migrants' deaths --- DAYS of NO water and NO food played a MAJOR role in a death. Heck, in that article it even mentions not only the dead migrant, but also "other migrants" as having gone DAYS without water and food. What we people with a brain have known all along.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Fullofshitocrats. This death was NOT the Border Patrol's fault and neither were any of the other migrants' deaths. :thefinger:

As per the Democrats' MO, they'll of course not give a shit about this death ............... because it didn't happen while "in Border Patrol custody." Therefore they can't milk it for 3 months.