Border Wall


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The irony would be that we will have to employ immigrants to build this wall. Outsource it to the Chinese maybe???:dunno:

That would be the only way it could get built. Because only the republicans would push this project through, and they sure as hell would not arrange for well-paying us-citizen jobs, no, mister

Maybe Trump could spare some of his own cheap foreign workers from his resorts, or Ivanka could get over some of her countrynen


The wonderful irony which has part of me almost wanting to see this fiasco get built is that the immigrants building the wall by day will be digging the tunnels by night.


“GIANT PICNIC at the border today in Tecate … people eating the same food, sharing the same water, enjoying the same music (half of the band on each side) around the eye of a dreamer … we forgot the wall for a minute …” JR

Installation at the border in Tecate, Mexico, by French artist JR.
Photo by JR.



Trump wins visas to hire 70 foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago

The Trump Organization has won the permission to hire 70 foreign workers to serve as maids, cooks and servers for the 2017-2018 tourist season, according to data from the U.S. Labor Department.

The Palm Beach Post reported Friday that Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., won the permission after first applying for the H-2B visas in July. The request was originally filed during Trump's "Made In America" week at the White House.

Palm Beach's unemployment rate currently sits at 3.6 percent. A local job placement agency told the Post that there are plenty of local workers who would be eager to fill the positions.

"We currently have 5,136 qualified candidates in Palm Beach County for various hospitality positions listed in the Employ Florida state jobs database," CareerSource spokesman Tom Veenstra said Friday.

The number of foreign workers hired by Mar-a-Lago is a slight increase from the 2016-2017 season, when the resort hired 64 foreign workers using H-2B visas. Trump defended the practice during a GOP primary debate in March of last year.

“It’s very, very hard to get people,” Trump said. “Other hotels do the exact same thing.”

In September 2016, Trump told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that "getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible."

To get the visas, employers must typically first establish that there are not enough American workers able or willing to fill the temporary positions in order to qualify for H-2B classification.

The Trump administration expanded the H-2B program in July, saying it would offer an additional 15,000 visas because not enough American workers are willing or able to fill the country's employment needs for the rest of fiscal 2017.




Closed Account
The Washington Post said:
But illegal border crossings represent a relatively small share of the number of people who enter the country, legally or otherwise, in any given year, according to the Department of Homeland Security's data.
If that was remotely true, we wouldn't have 30 million illegals here.

And as to the uninformed BS claims that The WALL doesn't work? As I've mentioned on occasion here and there ... I live where I have seen with my own eyes the BEFORE WALL and AFTER WALL illegals crossing status. Verdict? It is like night & day. The WALL definitely fixed a lot of L i t t l e R e d Wagons.

I think when the caravan gets to the border, one way or another, everyone's gonna see just how useful the WALL is. IF it arrives say at the El Paso, TX region, it will be seen how the WALL is definitely effective at not letting the caravan just waltz right on in unimpeded. The chubby pregnant women with 6 kids will have an impossible time climbing the WALL. (Remember, the port of entry will be closed.) IF it arrives at say Brownsville or McAllen, TX, I hear there's no WALL there. Therefore, the military troops would have to play a more active part in not letting the caravan just waltz in. The need for the WALL would be demonstrated. I don't know if the caravan would try the Arizona route. I doubt it. But, if it does, there too, the WALL's usefulness would be starring on the headliner main stage.


If you're going to lie and say 30 million, why not go all out and say 300 million.

There are actually about 12 million "illegals" in America, they didn't all come to America in one year, most of them have been in America for years or decades.
And most of them are probably very careful not to commit any crimes because they don't want to get arrested and deported.

About 75 million tourists visit America every year, and like the Washington Post claims, most of the "illegals" came here legally and didn't leave.

And what "wall" are you referring to?
The only wall Trump has built is in the minds of the people who voted for him.


Closed Account
And what "wall" are you referring to?
The only wall Trump has built is in the minds of the people who voted for him.
I am referring to THE Wall ... the one that EXISTS at the border. Nowhere in my comment did I mention "the wall that Trump built" or anything of that nature. I am referring to the wall that is there NOW regardless of who built it. That is the wall that I am comparing first hand knowledge of the BEFORE and AFTER status.

And right now the wall detractors can sit there and deny until they turn blue in the face that the wall doesn't work ... but, all you have to do is look at the current situation with the caravans. I guarantee you that if the wall wasn't there, the overwhelming majority of those caravan intruders would have already tried swarming across the border in mass. And a lot of them WOULD have made it across in the chaos. But, as it stands right now ... BECAUSE of the existence of whatever amount of wall there is there right now, it has made things a LOT easier for the Border Patrol to keep the caravan intruders in check and at bay on the Mexico side.

Of course, unfortunately federal judges are doing their damnest to try and get all those caravan invaders across the border into the USA as quickly as possible.

As to how many illegals there are in the USA? You don't know for sure any more than I do regardless of your fact check sources. Every friggin' article / source that we read has a different number. If we knew for sure, that would mean we'd know where they're all living and we could round them all up and deport them. I suppose someone in the Border Patrol or the government knows EXACTLY how many illegals crossed today? Last week? Last month? No. Therefore, there is no way to say that the "around 12 million" figure is correct.
There's a wall on the border ? Then why does Trump wants to build another.
Right-wingers pretend illegals are currently flowing through the border. That would mean the wall proves to be inefficient so why building another one ?

Obviously the border need something more efficient. Maybe landmines...
Trump will ultimately use remittances to Mexico and the military budget to fund the wall.
Trump will ultimately use remittances to Mexico and the military budget to fund the wall.

Yeah, that's what you've been saying for nearly two years. Still the first tone hasn't been laid yet...
Yeah, that's what you've been saying for nearly two years. Still the first tone hasn't been laid yet...

If Cult 45 wants a wall, it'll have to be paid for by us. Like Georges always says, stop being "leech offs". If you want a wall, we'll have to pay for it not some other country.



Closed Account
There's a wall on the border ? Then why does Trump wants to build another.
Right-wingers pretend illegals are currently flowing through the border. That would mean the wall proves to be inefficient so why building another one ?

Obviously the border need something more efficient. Maybe landmines...
Yes, Johan, there IS a wall on the border. You live wayyyyy too far away to know enough about the wall to know what's actually there. You should research this topic more thoroughly so that you can get a better idea of what's actually there and how it works.

And no, there are no stones involved. But, if we were to use "the first stone" as just an analogy, you'd be wrong there as well. To imply that not so much as a single inch of wall has been erected since Trump has been in office, you'd be wrong there as well. I guarantee you that.

As to Trump wanting to shit can the current wall and build another one? No, the situation is that the entire Southern border of the USA is NOT walled yet. So yes, currently there ARE loopholes so to speak ... giant loopholes through where illegals can cross with ease. Ideally it'd be great to wall the entire Southern border with a "Beautiful" wall. Preferably of the 30-foot high variety vs. the current 20-foot high version.

With the "we're going to cross over into your country and you're not going to stop us" mentality and attitude of regular illegals in addition to the latest caravan version of illegals ... it's almost getting to the point whereby your idea of landmines needs to be considered. Especially given that federal judges keep blocking all other options as unconstitutional.


Closed Account
Johan, I'm sure you've heard that no anti-virus is going to block ALL malware. But, we all know that WITH an anti-virus, our computers are way much safer than without one, right?

Likewise, no, the wall / a wall is NOT going to absolutely prevent ALL illegals from crossing over. But, I guarantee you the end results are noticeably way much better WITH a wall than without one. A wall introduces a HUGE obstacle of a factor into the equation of just how easy it is for anyone and everyone to cross over. It changes things from just head in that direction and you'll be in the USA in 30 minutes to ...... Oh Fuck! This wall is higher than I thought it'd be.

With the wall in place, it's no longer child's play to cross over for women, children and old people like it used to be in the old days before the wall. The caravan members have found this out.
Yes, Johan, there IS a wall on the border. You live wayyyyy too far away to know enough about the wall to know what's actually there. You should research this topic more thoroughly so that you can get a better idea of what's actually there and how it works.

And no, there are no stones involved. But, if we were to use "the first stone" as just an analogy, you'd be wrong there as well. To imply that not so much as a single inch of wall has been erected since Trump has been in office, you'd be wrong there as well. I guarantee you that.
Trump himself specifically said the wall will be made of steel and concrete. And I guarantee you that if the construction had started, the entire world wold know, Fox News would make it a huge deal, with special editions all week long and ate least one correspondant on site until it is fully erected.
chuckFaze said:
Johan, I'm sure you've heard that no anti-virus is going to block ALL malware. But, we all know that WITH an anti-virus, our computers are way much safer than without one, right?

Likewise, no, the wall / a wall is NOT going to absolutely prevent ALL illegals from crossing over. But, I guarantee you the end results are noticeably way much better WITH a wall than without one. A wall introduces a HUGE obstacle of a factor into the equation of just how easy it is for anyone and everyone to cross over. It changes things from just head in that direction and you'll be in the USA in 30 minutes to ...... Oh Fuck! This wall is higher than I thought it'd be.

With the wall in place, it's no longer child's play to cross over for women, children and old people like it used to be in the old days before the wall. The caravan members have found this out.

Interesting... You mind if I conduct a little experiment ? I'm just gonna change a few words here and and see what happens, ok ?

no, gun-control is NOT going to absolutely prevent ALL mass-shootings. But, I guarantee you the end results are noticeably way much better WITH a gun-control than without some. Gun-control introduces a HUGE obstacle of a factor into the equation of just how easy it is for anyone and everyone to get a gun. It changes things from just go online and you'll get an assault rigle in 3 minutes...... Oh Fuck! I can't buy that kind of gun.

With gun-control in place, it's no longer child's play to get the kind of fire-power that will allow you to harm tens of people in no time like it used to be in the old days before gun-control.

So spare us the safety talk, conbservatives don't care about safety, otherwise they wouldn't be so adamantly against all form of gun-control

but we can also change a few words tomake the case for other, more radical ways to fight illegal immigration

no, land-mines are NOT going to absolutely prevent ALL illegals from crossing over]. But, I guarantee you the end results are noticeably way much better WITH a land-mines than without any. Land-mines introduces HUGE obstacles of a factor into the equation of just how easy it is for anyone and everyone to cross over. It changes things from just head in that direction and you'll be in the USA in 30 minutes to ...... Oh Fuck! I'm gonna die here
Johan, I'm sure you've heard that no anti-virus is going to block ALL malware. But, we all know that WITH an anti-virus, our computers are way much safer than without one, right?

Likewise, no, the wall / a wall is NOT going to absolutely prevent ALL illegals from crossing over. But, I guarantee you the end results are noticeably way much better WITH a wall than without one. A wall introduces a HUGE obstacle of a factor into the equation of just how easy it is for anyone and everyone to cross over. It changes things from just head in that direction and you'll be in the USA in 30 minutes to ...... Oh Fuck! This wall is higher than I thought it'd be.

With the wall in place, it's no longer child's play to cross over for women, children and old people like it used to be in the old days before the wall. The caravan members have found this out.

Have you heard of airplanes?