Bohemian Muppetry


Prince of the Rotten Milk
fabulous!! thanks, mate :thumbsup:

i remember i used to love the puppets...

rep to you, of course


Postal Paranoiac
Yeah. I saw this a while ago. I laughed like a drugged hobo. Good stuff!:thumbsup:


DOA!!! You have a sense of humour!!! :eek:
Yea, a very wry one in fact. He reminds me of "Wolfgang", this little professor - like German Auto Technician that I know who walks about revealing a deadly serious disposition in all of his approx 5' - 6'' framework shelled in a white lab coat who, with regularity, stomps around the auto service floor chewing everybody a new a-hole, customers included, but something interesting happens as he walks away and rounds the corner... he's seen laughing hysterically.... all by himself ! :crash:
Oh, I wish you could all meet him :p :bowdown:

just thought I'd SHARE ~



Awesome find, muppets kick ass.