
Prince of the Rotten Milk
i have been trying to subscribe to her website cos im looking for a particular picture set. but i cant seem to join up. i always get card declined no matter what card i use. can anyone shed any light?
i have been trying to subscribe to her website cos im looking for a particular picture set. but i cant seem to join up. i always get card declined no matter what card i use. can anyone shed any light?

Could also be the billing company. I've had trouble in the past with CCBill. Something went wrong with my email according to them. When I tried signing up using a different email address it worked. Try that.
Re: Bobbi Billard busty goddess and more !!!

Hi ya'll! I haven't been on this site in like forever and a day but I've actually got a good story about what's been going on with me and I thought I'd let those who care know what I've been up to...

I'm starting to blog about everything. In short, I got signed by Playboy, shot a celebrity layout for them (which was my dream by the way), they lagged and kept me under contract to the tune of over 2+ years but it was my dream so of course I waited and waited...

In the meantime, I pursued more of a career in acting because that didn't interfere with my contract at all, I ended up shooting a few mainstream movies, and recently got a role on a VH1 TV show. Please look for me either Feb. 12th or soon after that on VH1 on a show that is tentatively titled Crime Scene Rewind. Think E! True Hollywood Story meets CSI. It covers the circumstances leading up to and directly after celebrity deaths. I played Anna Nicole Smith proudly because I am a BIG fan actually (and I think I did quite well if I do say so for myself).

Now recooping from breast reconstruction/reduction surgery and I'm now the proud recipient of a pair of a bit smaller, but much much nicer and way more realistic pair of FINALLY perfect boobies thru Dr. Motykie of Dr. 90210 and Jesse Jane fame.

I'm all about making a comeback and Evander Holyfield ain't got nothin' on me!

Please visit me at:

Bobbi Billard... Long time no speak. Here's an update! :)

Hi ya'll! I haven't been on this site in like forever and a day but I've actually got a good story about what's been going on with me and I thought I'd let those who care know what I've been up to...

I'm starting to blog about everything. In short, I got signed by Playboy, shot a celebrity layout for them (which was my dream by the way), they lagged and kept me under contract to the tune of over 2+ years but it was my dream so of course I waited and waited...

In the meantime, I pursued more of a career in acting because that didn't interfere with my contract at all, I ended up shooting a few mainstream movies, and recently got a role on a VH1 TV show. Please look for me either Feb. 12th or soon after that on VH1 on a show that is tentatively titled Crime Scene Rewind. Think E! True Hollywood Story meets CSI. It covers the circumstances leading up to and directly after celebrity deaths. I played Anna Nicole Smith proudly because I am a BIG fan actually (and I think I did quite well if I do say so for myself).

Now recooping from breast reconstruction/reduction surgery and I'm now the proud recipient of a pair of a bit smaller, but much much nicer and way more realistic pair of FINALLY perfect boobies thru Dr. Motykie of Dr. 90210 and Jesse Jane fame.

I'm all about making a comeback and Evander Holyfield ain't got nothin' on me!

Please visit me at any of these websites for more up to the minute info:


My BobbiBillard.com is about to go thru a major revamping! Sorry guys but I'm ixnaying the paid membership section of my website soon and replacing it with something a lot more 2010ish. So if you want to see the new goods, you'll have to email or write Playboy and ask them to shoot me with my new and improved goodies. I will post some sexy clothed pics for you guys very soon so make sure you friend request, follow, etc. so you don't miss a single thing.

i have been trying to subscribe to her website cos im looking for a particular picture set. but i cant seem to join up. i always get card declined no matter what card i use. can anyone shed any light?

That's really strange. I'm still seeing signups coming through from other people so I'm really not sure what to tell you regarding that. Did you try contacting CCBill? If there's anything that I can do for you to help out, let me know...
Could also be the billing company. I've had trouble in the past with CCBill. Something went wrong with my email according to them. When I tried signing up using a different email address it worked. Try that.

Oh yeah? I didn't know people were having problem signing up to my site. I've heard something there being a blacklist of certain individuals out there that have charged back other websites in the past or something and so they decide to just not let them charge any other adult sites but I'm not even sure if that's true or not. That's the only thing I can think of... If there's an issue with my site though, I would like to know so that I can take it up with my hosting company. Thanks and any input would be greatly appreciated. :)
Re: Bobbi Billard... Long time no speak. Here's an update! :)


Loved your work in the past Bobbi, especially the M&B and Twisty's sets I've seen. What's Hef's Email adress? .....I'd love to see the new boobies (the old ones were great!)

...and you've gone Thespian!.....good luck with that!..:)
Re: Bobbi Billard... Long time no speak. Here's an update! :)


Loved your work in the past Bobbi, especially the M&B and Twisty's sets I've seen. What's Hef's Email adress? .....I'd love to see the new boobies (the old ones were great!)

...and you've gone Thespian!.....good luck with that!..:)

I don't know Hef's email addy... Met him a few times but that's it. However, I'm being told that pictures of mine are slated to run in the May issue of Voluptuous Vixens Special Edition.

The new boobies are amazing. I wrote a blog about them on my MySpace. I'm still healing but just wait... Hopefully Playboy will keep working with me so that I may show them off. If not, hope I get a Shannon Elizabeth in a feature film someday and that will be another option.

Thanks for the luck. Happy 2010 to you. :)
Re: Bobbi Billard... Long time no speak. Here's an update! :)

Hey guys... How do I get my avatar to show up om my page...? I even see some people (MAJOR props to sportsfan420 woot woot!) displaying ME as their avatar and I am truly honored!!! But how can I show ME as an avatar?

Also, I'm seeing that my status is that "I ran out of lube" and I'm asking to "borrow yours?". LMFAO! Reminds me of my old forum and all of the clever things I had came up with to make it fun for everyone. Then some dipshit hosting company "accidentally deleted" everything along with all my cool smilies too. That was a great Christmas, I'll tell ya! And don't worry about the lube because I've got my own and plenty of it but a pic to go with my naughty saying would be nice. Help please?! ;)

NEWest and most recent pics of me...


Go to "Mosaic View" and look at the last pic. That was when I was playing Anna Nicole Smith. What do you think? Do you see any resemblance?

Re: Bobbi Billard... Long time no speak. Here's an update! :)

I Love Bobbi Billard ever since we posed in Muscular Development years ago! She is hot and sweet!

OMG Nina hi! I loved your pics too. You are one of my fave Vivid girls and I LOVED the fact that we used to be published together and we were both MD Cups too right? Gosh wasn't MD the coolest back in the day? Why'd they stop publishing chicks? It's so lame now!!!

I wish I had your email so we could talk more... :glugglug: