Board Very Slow

I find it freaky. Double posts, it tells me I didn't post, but I actually did, and Petra just won't leave me alone. She's insatiable.

I can't wait until Roald's back. I'm told he can control Petra. I don't think I believe it, though he'll have a better chance if he shows up with a new gnome.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Henry and Boldy are aware of this issue and working hard to get it resolved. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as waving a magic wand with everything that's involved.
Henry and Boldy are aware of this issue and working hard to get it resolved. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as waving a magic wand with everything that's involved.

When you say 'Aware'..
is it like when a deeply comatose person is 'aware' that people are around and trying to reach them?

BTW: visiting hours for this board are now 8.00-9.30am & 3.00-5.00pm
The board cannot permit people to visit and browse the board outside of these hours...
Matron's orders... muhaahahah....hahahahahaaaaa


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The board works perfectly fine for me.

Henry and Boldy are aware of this issue and working hard to get it resolved. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as waving a magic wand with everything that's involved.

That's what you get for not hosting your servers at Hogwarts.


Lord Dipstick
True Story!
I clicked on a link, went to take a piss, and it STILL had not loaded!:crash:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I think it might have something to do with all the new people that sign up, post a single "Hello I'm new" post, and then never post again. Wasting valuable bandwidth?


Postal Paranoiac
It makes my ultra-high speed 15 gig internet deal look like a travesty.:(
It makes my ultra-high speed 15 gig internet deal look like a travesty.:(

Look.. if we're going to go down this 'mine is bigger than yours' road, let me just say, I'm happy with my little 4g speed, it may not be much, but I know how to use it..

Size DOESN'T matter.... it doesn't.... really.... :crying:


Postal Paranoiac
I may have 15 gigs of internet speed, but my dick still travels coach.:helpme: