Board is still miserable again today, nothing goes through in one attempt. It occurred to me just now that the problem may have multiple layers. Yes it seems like the board servers' clocks are out of sync, but I ask why for each new post attempt do they appear to be out of sync by different amounts? For example, for one set of post attempts, the number of seconds to wait varies between 300 seconds and 100 seconds and counts down from there. Why then should the next set of post attempts start at 100 seconds to 25 seconds and count down from there? If this is just a server clock issue, why the wide variation? I'm guessing there is an additional problem with whatever the board uses to track when your last post happened (cookie, internal data variable, etc.). If that data item is miscalculated, perhaps because the server clocks are misaligned, that could account for the variations. This is very frustrating to try to debug with minimal data but hopefully this helps whoever has to really debug the problem.