Board timing issues?


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
I really think this is a problem on your end because if this was wide spread we would receive many complaints about this every day and we haven't.
Over the weekend I completely wiped my computer and reinstalled everything from zero. I also "upgraded" from Windows 10 to Windows 7. Guess what, still the same issue with about the same frequency. I can live with it at this frequency but please stop trying to pin it on my system.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Today it is absolutely miserable. I just took 21 attempts to get a post through and am averaging 5 - 10 attempts each time. Nothing is going through the first attempt, please look into this, your servers are not in sync re. time of day and have not been for months.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Same problem today. Every post today (except the first one) took multiple attempts to get through, some over a dozen times. Just sync the clocks on your servers please and see if that helps. It appears as though some are a couple of minutes or more apart.
Same problem today. Every post today (except the first one) took multiple attempts to get through, some over a dozen times. Just sync the clocks on your servers please and see if that helps. It appears as though some are a couple of minutes or more apart.

Same here.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Board is still miserable again today, nothing goes through in one attempt. It occurred to me just now that the problem may have multiple layers. Yes it seems like the board servers' clocks are out of sync, but I ask why for each new post attempt do they appear to be out of sync by different amounts? For example, for one set of post attempts, the number of seconds to wait varies between 300 seconds and 100 seconds and counts down from there. Why then should the next set of post attempts start at 100 seconds to 25 seconds and count down from there? If this is just a server clock issue, why the wide variation? I'm guessing there is an additional problem with whatever the board uses to track when your last post happened (cookie, internal data variable, etc.). If that data item is miscalculated, perhaps because the server clocks are misaligned, that could account for the variations. This is very frustrating to try to debug with minimal data but hopefully this helps whoever has to really debug the problem.


I will add your findings to the bug ticket, thank you.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
For what it is worth, it also affects the 10 minute window on when you can edit a post. Just now I tied to edit something I posted 7 minutes ago and was rejected. I reloaded the page and tried again and the edit went through.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Board is still messed up today. I tried logging out, clearing cache, cookies, etc. and then logging back in. After the first post, things got even worse than before. I'm guessing that first post that goes through after you log in sets your account in sync with whatever board server accepts the post. If it is out of sync with the other board servers then any attempt to post that goes to them will result in a failed post. If you try long enough, you'll either hit the server that your are in sync with or finally pass the timeout window on another server and your post goes through. Either way your account is now set in sync with the server that accepted the post. I'm guessing that if you wait about 15 minutes between each post, they will always go through first time. I don't have the patience to try this theory.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
I wait 4-5 minutes now between posts, though the registered time does not always reflect this :dunno:
I just keep pounding away trying again and again until it gets through. For the record, I've never had to actually wait the ridiculous 200-300 minute timeout values, it always goes through before that but sometimes not much before.


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Geez, I go away for a few days and come back to see things even worse - the timeout values are getting bigger not smaller. How long before this turns people off and starts costing you posts? I submit it is already happening for your core group - the people that do most of the posting. FIX THIS DAMMIT! :mad:


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Is anyone working on this problem or are y'all just hoping it will go away? I've suggested a simple fix for this below, can't that be tried?


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Has it occurred to anyone at FreeOnes that this bug is costing you and your users more than wasted time and frustration? Each failed attempt to post results in more stress on the board, more bandwidth wasted for the board, and more bandwidth wasted by your users? Why is this not a high priority issue? At least tell us it is being looked at and not just pushed down to number 15 on your list of priorities.
Long Wait between postings


I am forced to wait for 3-10 mins between 2 posts on freeones. This is causing a lot of delay in posting , frustration and discourages postings. Is there any way it can be avoided.

Re: Long Wait between postings

We are aware of this issue, merging this with another thread about this.

Is there any timeline by when it is expected to be resolved


Actually, something has been done yesterday with the server times and hopefully this should solve the problems.
If anyone can confirm the problem is fixed for you, that would be great.