Blonde babe


got only this pic.. please identify .. many thnx

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could search for pornstars by their tattoos?
Type "fairy and lower and back" (without quotation marks)

17 girls, minus the brunettes, leaves 8, minus the clearly wrong looking ones, leaves maybe 2 girls to look through. Don't be scared guys.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
As much as we appreciate your sarcasm, it doesn't provide us with the correct answer. None of those results are the babe in question.
^ err have you actually seen Lacie Heart's lower back tattoo?


No sarcasm intended. Most people here asking for ID's don't know that such a powerful tool exists.

Try this search: "fairy and lower and back and left and ankle" (without quotation marks)

3 girls and yes, she is one of them.
Yes, I have, thanks. Try checking out her links on THIS website, it's clear. Your sarcasm WAS intended, and rude. Yes, perhaps some people should take a little more time to name some of these women themselves instead of just automatically asking for help. But you don't have to be a dick when they do ask for help.