What do you mean returning the favor?
You motherfuckers started this shit well before 9/11.
Just like the crusades--started hundreds of years before by constant attacks on Europeans by Muslims.
The shit hasn't stopped and finally people are friggin sick of it and want your asses GONE just like last time when the Muslims were expelled from Spain because it became abundantly clear that you simply can't be trusted.
Why is that? Because Islam is a slave master religion, it appeals to the worst instincts in men and the warlord Muhammad encouraged it in order to achieve his material goals. If it wasn't for the Greeks, Persians, Jews and Indians, there would be nothing to uplift that religion. You fuckers don't want to hear any of it though, it's like telling a klansmen that he isn't entitled to rule based on his skin color.
After 9/11 the people who have to deal with Muslims terrorism on a daily basis tried to warn us about how to handle Muslims (like the Indians and the Israelis) but we didn't listen did we? Now that "religion of peace" garbage has ended and people just want Muslims stripped of their citizenship and deported.
Someone needs a fuckin history lesson pronto.
It was you motherfuckers that started this shit back in 1096 with the first in a long line of failed crusades. Despite the fact that christians were peacefully allowed to continue to worship without any interference from the muslim state, Europe just had to have the holy land.
Being able to peaceful coexist wasn't enough for you elitist arrogant fucks so you had to start your own terroist acts because you felt it was your right to do so.
It has been nothing but bullshit since then.
"God put the white man here to rule over all" is probably what some self righteous board troll like yourself wants to say.
Even if that were true, the job you are doing is paltry at best.:tongue: