Black man kills 6 yr. old child, claims child was racist

If a white guy killed a black 6-year old, would you care? Or the white people who kill white babies? OR ANY SICK FUCK OF ANY RACE THAT KILLS A FUCKING CHILD?

Can these fucking threads just stop already? His race isn't why he did it, his mental instability is. This has to end. These threads serve one purpose and one purpose alone.

If it was a white man who did this to a black child, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Michelle Obama, the NAACP, and Black Panthers would all be involved and screaming hate crime. And I'm not a white person saying this. So take it as real talk. Any person killing a child of any size, shape, or color is an idiot.
She didn't died like Trayyvon , she just got beat. Also the media doesn't pick up shit like that because black americans face enough stereotypes as is. The lousy stereotypes you sad and fearful motherfuckers keep preaching about and believe. I never hear any stories about other races committing such crimes but when it comes to murder, some stupid motherfucker has to post a thread and play that copout game and it's really pathetic. Don't you idiots have anything better to post about? I don't care if you are half white, you can look like goddamn E.T. for all I care because deep down, you're still a POS. Why don't you for once talk about black ppl who do wake up early to go to work and contribute to society and pay their taxes like everyone else? Not every person of color comes from the hood.

If I could recommend a movie for you to see, go see the film Hoop Dreams. That is the best film I have ever seen that deals with American life and you should see it and I mean REALLY see it. If you don't and you keep preaching your racial tales, sadly you're ignorant and missing the serious realities on American life.
BWahahahahaha, All three of them?


Staff member
This thread delivers and disrupts at 6.00am already :mad::wtf::hairpull::explosion: