I have a cousin who married a Black guy. Both of them have masters degrees. Her sister is married to a Jewish guy (she was raised Catholic - that got a bit touchy). Their parents have been married for close to 50 years. She's got a J.D. and he's got at least a B.A. - I don't know him that well, so I'm not sure if he's got an advanced degee or not. I have another cousin who married a Muslim guy. He looks Black but his mom is White. His dad is a professor at Howard. Her parents have been married for 40+ years. If I counted Asians and Hispanics, there are more than a few interracial/interethnic marriages in my family. Race tends to be a hot button issue for some people (obviously more for some than others
- so these threads always crack me up), but I learned in college that if you spend your time trying to judge and divide up people based solely on their race, you miss out on meeting (and dating) some really cool people.
The "fucktard theory" (that's funny - *lol*) up there is just one of those
pull it out of the ass things that you read on here from time to time. Some people, you just appreciate them for their (or as he says "there") entertainment value.
I was on another (car) board where some guys (this is usually a male thing... gotta keep
our women folk close to the tent, lest other
tribes steal them away
) were going off when they realized Ivanka Trump had married a Jew! And then one guy brings up that she'd even converted and is now an official member of "the tribe". Uh oh! :crash: See, as men, we reserve the right to pursue the women of other races when we so choose. But we'll be damned if we want our women chasing after men from other races. Especially the dark races. The women who do that, well, there's obviously something wrong with them and their families! There's gotta be.
That thar shit just aint normal!!! :cussing: But if I'm not mistaken, ol' Ruppie Murdoch is married to an Asian woman. How could our hero of right wing media also be a dang race mixer???!!! :wtf: