Bill Maher "Black People Will Come After You"

Will E Worm

Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'

Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time Friday might have said one of the most disgraceful things uttered during the 2012 campaign season.

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary).:

Imagine for a moment the outrage if a conservative commentator said even jokingly to Obama supporters, "White people know who you are and they will come after you."

That would be the end of that person's career. Period. No questions asked. Done!

But Maher who's adored by the Obama-loving media can say this with total impunity.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: HBO should be ashamed to have this disgusting man as one of its on air personalities. Period. End of story.



Why is he not even suspended? The liberal agenda is to keep tensions high, cause division, and spout off anti-white ideas.

Where's the ADL, SPLC, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the usual antagonists who like to jump on people for saying things like this?

They are part of the agenda, or they would have said something by now.


I plead the 5th...
Damn gayboy. :facepalm: He's a comedian dumb dumb.

and yes I know you're trying to make this a case for reverse racism...but again, Bill Maher is a COMEDIAN (he's also WHITE). He tells these things called "jokes". You ever heard of jokes before worm?????

Will E Worm

Damn gayboy. :facepalm: He's a comedian dumb dumb.

and yes I know you're trying to make this a case for reverse racism...but again, Bill Maher is a COMEDIAN (he's also WHITE). He tells these things called "jokes". You ever heard of jokes before worm?????

No, Maher is a jew. He's not white at all. The he's a "comedian" ploy is not going to work.
It was a joke, not warning, no a threat. A bad joke but still, nothing but a joke.

End of story.


Why is he not even suspended? The liberal agenda is to keep tensions high, cause division, and spout off anti-white ideas.

Where's the ADL, SPLC, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the usual antagonists who like to jump on people for saying things like this?

They are part of the agenda, or they would have said something by now.

Its called humor it might help pull that 20 pound knot out of you ass give it a try. Oh yeah I forgot god doesn't allow humor.
Funny how will gets shocked about Maher making a joke but when, during the election night, Trump tweeted "We should march on Washington and stop this travesty", Will wasn't shocked at all...


Closed Account
Don't get involved in an argument with an idiot cause then there just be two idiots. The reason why he doesn't get suspended his cause his viewers don't have a stick shoved up their ass and can take a joke. Problem is with other people on tv is that their viewers tend to be very religious, believe everything they hear on tv and also tend to be sensitive towards social issues. If you want to complain about the way other people think and act you need to shut up, cause in America we have the right to freedom of expression. People can be part of the god hates fags church, burn the quran and make an insensitive movie about a region and its their right even though you might disagree with them. I just wish people would stop being brain washed by tv and learn the facts, because I know everyone hates looking stupid so you owe it to yourself to know the actually factually truth. No more opinions just facts!
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"I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you"

Plenty of people including myself would've told douchebag Maher, "Bring it on we've got plenty of ammo."
I'm pretty sure the context was within the confines of humor. I got the joke, apparently you didn't.
I don't know why all you fake conservatives get your fellings so hurt whe he tells the truth!Go suck on yo mama's titty poor little boys!Yes aoles ,he's a commedian,get it.The best around too!
I was kind of hoping that after the election people wouldn't be so divided and only seeing black and white.

oh well...
Man, you put way too much faith in humanity.

That is a fact. I'll go on that way too. If not, I'd just move to a cabin in the mountains and cut myself off from people.

(I guess so long as I had broadband and porn, that could work. ;) )
Will E, I am genuinely interested in you and your political beliefs. Not that I don't think they are retarded, just like most people here do, but I know that you feel the exact same way about me - and probably have numerous people around you to confirm those views just like I do.

I've sent you a PM!
No, Maher is a jew. He's not white at all. The he's a "comedian" ploy is not going to work.

You know absolutely nothing about Maher. If you did you'd know that he's an atheist that despises all religions. You should watch his movie 'Religulous', you'll really go batshit crazy if you see this move

Will E Worm

Will E, I am genuinely interested in you and your political beliefs. Not that I don't think they are retarded, just like most people here do, but I know that you feel the exact same way about me - and probably have numerous people around you to confirm those views just like I do.

I've sent you a PM!

Retarded? :rolleyes: This should go well.

You know absolutely nothing about Maher. If you did you'd know that he's an atheist that despises all religions. You should watch his movie 'Religulous', you'll really go batshit crazy if you see this move

Atheism is secular humanism it is a religion.

I know Maher from his Politically Incorrect days. ;)

I have watched him and sometimes agreed with him. So, I do know him.

I did watch "Religulous." Maher looked shocked at the ex-satanist in the chapel. Link

Maher is an entertainer not a philosopher.