Biggest Scam in US Government History - The Federal Reserve


Official Checked Star Member
The funniest part is that the Federal Reserve often referred to as "The Fed" isn't federal at all. It isn't even a government entity. It is a totally private company run by people that the tax payers cannot vote in or out and has almost no oversight whatsoever by anyone. They used the name "Federal Reserve" to basically con the American public into believing it is an official government office. What's even more scary than their absolute freedom to operate in total secrecy is that there has never been on audit in the 100 years it has existed. NEVER.

I have been reading about The Fed and thought I would share some of the things I have learned with those of you who like me up until a few months ago, assumed it was a government office.

Take a look at the top of any paper bill you have in your pocket. at the top it says "A Federal Reserve Note" right above the president's head. The treasury department has zero say in when or how many bills get printed. The bills aren't even issued by the treasury department they are only printed there. The only thing government about our money is the charade of having the Secretary of the Treasury and Treasurer's signature on each bill.

Since the fed was created in 1913 the dollar has lost 96% of it's purchasing power. 96%!! Because the fed sets interest rates we have seen massive bubbles inflated under their policies only to eventually pop and create massive downturns in the economy.

America has had 3 central banks and killed of the first 2 leaving the federal reserve as our only central bank. The American people have been pissed at the big banks for years but if they knew what was really being done to them by these banks it would create a massive exodus of account holders and their savings and investments. These bankers have literally brought the USA to the brink of bankruptcy.

Most of us know that a set amount of paper bills are printed based on the economic climate. But did you know that the fed DIGITIZES $115 million per HOUR that it then deposits into the accounts of banks who turn right around and keep making the same risky loans and investment, because win or lose there is no downside for them. This was the entire reason the fed was created.

and if you know anything about dollar value then you know that the more that we print the less it is worth. They levy the heaviest and most corrosive taxes of all through their control of the money system and its all about covering the bad debts of a select group of companies / banks and it is 100% at the expense of the American Tax Payer. They use that digitized money to buy US government bonds so that it can keep spending even though its on digitized money. And even worse, the fed doesn't even buy those bonds directly from the US government. It buys through brokerage firms on Wall Street who get huge commissions. Why would they do that when they could so easily buy directly? They are the fed for fuck's sake! And those are the very Wall street fat cats the fed promises to rein in constantly but never does.

It is a 100% perfect shell game. Britain wanted to put the US colonies under the central bank of england which was the final straw that lead to the Revolutionary war. Jefferson was very much against a central bank for the US but Alexander Hamilton was very much for it and pushed to make it happen. Ever wonder why our national capital is in Virgina and not New York? Because to get the southern part of the colonies on board with his plan Hamiltion agreed to move the nations capital further south. That is why Washington DC is our nations capital all to appease the southern territory so they would agree to a central bank.

Despite Jefferson's opposition, because he knew that they were fuel for corruption and manipulation, George Washington signed on the first central bank of the USA. 20 years later when it expired it was hated so much that congress refused to renew it and it died.

James Madison signed the second bank of the usa into existence but when Andrew Jackson was elected he refused to renew that one as well. So 2 up, 2 down and these fuckers knew it was a bad idea yet. Jackson wanted all federal land sales to be transacted in gold or silver which was solid economic sense, so of course that couldn't happen!

So many banks were so leveraged they couldn't pay their customers when they wanted their own money. This led to "bank runs" which fucked the economy even more. These bank runs led to the creation of the federal reserve.

The Hegelian dialect is where a group of people create a problem knowing the reaction it will get from the masses. They then agitate that problem until there is a demand for a solution the very people who created the problem unveils the solution. The people are happy not knowing they have been manipulated all along. So they got a worse version of what they had before, it's just packaged differently.

So the creation of the fed was Hegelian dialect. The US bankers who were fucked because of their shitty business practices and leveraged to their eye balls. This was done in 1907 by the most powerful banker in America at the time Paul Warburg. He wrote an article that appeared in the NY times who said that america needed a new central bank to avoid any financial catastrophes. He and his colleages gave speeches to the NY chamber of commerce warning it was coming if there wasn't a central bank in place. They warned of a market crash and basically said that the sky is falling if they don't act.

Enter J.P. Morgan. There was suddenly a huge amount of side betting on the crash of the market and a run was launched on the stock of some of the largest companies, the biggest being United Copper - one of J.P. Morgan's biggest competitors. It was like when a tsunami is coming and all the water is sucked away from the beach before the giant wave smashes the shore. All the banks yanked their money from the market and it lost more than 50% overnight and new yorks 3rd largest trust collapsed. The panic spread and people pulled their money from the banks and were demanding something be done by someone.

Enter again JP Morgan. He pledged his own funds to help stabilize the banking system. He then coerced other NY bankers to join him and the bleeding was stopped and then the solution was suddenly the idea of the very people who were against it all along. Create a central bank so this never happens again. Congress instantly setup a special commission. Who headed that commission up you ask? A Rhode Island senator who was very close with Morgan and Warburg and was deep into the pockets of tobacco and rubber.

So for 2 years the commission studied the central banks of Europe. They spent 2 years touring Europe at the US taxpayers expense spending more than $300,000 which in those days was a LOT of money. Not a single report was filed. He had no intention of doing any research. Warburg's brother was the director of the Reichsbank and it had already been determined they would model the Federal Reserve after it.

A group of bankers and politicians created a central bank that was a monopoly that would tilt the playing field to their advantage. The headed by train in total secrecy to Jekyll island in Georgia to draft the blueprint for the federal reserve. They created a buy now pay later credit system that would bring value back to the banks for businesses which would allow the biggest players to crush their competition. They write into it a safeguard so that the bankers themselves wouldn't be held financially accountable and it would leave the American tax payer to foot the bill.

The Federal Reserve was modeled after Germany's central bank of the early 1900's. There are photos of people taking cases of worthless money to buy bread. They over printed currency and nearly eliminated the German middle class and collapsed the German economy. All of that laid the ground work for Hitler, and it was all created by a central bank that our federal reserve is modeled after.

In today's world Wall Street and the big banks continue to manipulate the American people with these very same business tactics. A housing collapse could very easily have been orchestrated so that a blank check would be written for all of the noncollectable debt hanging in the air. Imagine how much the banks made from the feds buying those bad mortgages? Hey let's create a financial emergency that only we can fix!

So we are on the same path. Destroying our middle class and devaluing our money and only a very few control all the wealth. The recent elections have shown that Americans are waking up but it needs to be more. I know Romney can't figure out still how he lost, but I can't figure out how 47 million people voted for him! who are these people?????????? I would bet that at least 35 million of them are people that Romney could give a fuck about and whose policies would hurt.


Official Checked Star Member
thanks. its tough to reduce it down to a few paragraphs to keep it from being a snoozer but it's a really interesting history that is entirely and totally based on corruption and special interest and fucking the american population


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
It has been said the US is just a Banana Republic with nuclear strength.


Official Checked Star Member
we have a 3rd world power grid.

we have a 3rd world health care rating

we have a 3rd world reading and writing level

we have more people in prison than any other country in the world.

we have a declining economy for the average citizen

We have the most wealth and its growing faster than any other time in history.

even a student in an american public school can do that math: average citizen declining + wealthiest getting more wealthy = recipe for 3rd world country.


Staff member
we have a 3rd world power grid.

we have a 3rd world health care rating

we have a 3rd world reading and writing level

we have more people in prison than any other country in the world.

we have a declining economy for the average citizen

We have the most wealth and its growing faster than any other time in history.

even a student in an american public school can do that math: average citizen declining + wealthiest getting more wealthy = recipe for 3rd world country.

truest words couldn't have been said


Official Checked Star Member
well sadly there are 47 million people who think this current strategy is fine.

And let's ask the obvious question here. Obama has been called a socialist by nearly everyone on the right yet corporate profits, executive salaries and overall stock income is at an all-time high and continuing to rise while the middle class continues to shrink and the poor are getting poorer. Please, someone tell me how you can call him a socialist??? if he is then he's the worst one in history. Bush spent more money on social programs than Obama has. I just don't see where they get this...oh yea, he's black and Fox News says it 400 times a day.
we have a 3rd world power grid.

we have a 3rd world health care rating

we have a 3rd world reading and writing level

we have more people in prison than any other country in the world.

we have a declining economy for the average citizen

We have the most wealth and its growing faster than any other time in history.

even a student in an american public school can do that math: average citizen declining + wealthiest getting more wealthy = recipe for 3rd world country.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Beyond fucked up...funny how Thomas Jefferson knew it would ruin us, long before it happened. Unbelievable...we pay those greedy cocksuckers just to call our money, money.


Official Checked Star Member
whats crazy is that poor people vote for these people lol they get poorer yet keep voting the same way totally against their interests. makes no sense. thankfully that side has been getting kicked in the nuts the last few years and a bigger kick in the nuts is coming.

I would LOVE to see Elizabeth Warren run in 2016. The banks and Carl Rove and Sheldon Adelson will spend so much fucking money to run against her that Rubio will be able to buy Cuba.


Official Checked Star Member
call her what you want but she has made the banks look fucking stupid on many occasions. you name me one republican candidate who is worth a shit for 2016 that has the integrity and principles that she does who has refused special interests and taken them head on. hell name one other politician who has

i forgot to say, the federal reserve creation was done as if someone was trying to impress a girl so he started a fire so he could be the big hero who put the fire out.
she is currently the second highest rated politician in the country behind Chris Christie
She will never get the support from the banking or the financial industry like Obama did. Good luck with that one.
I think that's kinda the point Mariah was going for, Warren is attacking the corruption of the banking industry


Official Checked Star Member
yeah that says a lot about the banks and the financial industry heaven forbid we should have someone who will take them to task for fucking the american people over on a daily basis. when W took office he stripped all of the funding for the US attorney to prosecute financial crimes. now the companies can just lawyer the overwhelmed and under-staffed US attorney for years and years

its a sickening thing that there is anyone who would side with the financial industry or the banking industry on anything. if you wanna talk about socialism and welfare then those 2 industries have benefited tremendously by government money when they fucked themselves into a huge hole. or maybe they did it on purpose?

MBNA bank now owned by B of A was once the largest holder of credit card debt in the US and when asked to eliminate their high risk cards the CEO scoffed and said "I'm sorry, but the defaults and high risk is where 99% of our profits come from" so then G W Bush signed the bankruptcy reform act into law written by whom you ask??? MBNA bank.

Warren could still win without them. Imagine the outrage of the american people if she had a national stage and provided them with some of the actual things these banks do on a daily basis? she will have plenty of money and support.