Re: Big Pussy Lips

Unknown Blond - who is she?

Re: Big Pussy Lips

That video isn't downloadable, is it?? :(

Anyway, it's lovely to watch! Just like trying to tie a knot in a cherry stem with one's tongue, I'd like to be given some time to attempt that trick with my tongue ("Ok, just give me one more hour, sweetie!")....
I can think of a few more babes I'd like to see try that (Kymberly Jane comes to mind right away)...

Re: Big Pussy Lips

That video isn't downloadable, is it?? :(

Anyway, it's lovely to watch! Just like trying to tie a knot in a cherry stem with one's tongue, I'd like to be given some time to attempt that trick with my tongue ("Ok, just give me one more hour, sweetie!")....
I can think of a few more babes I'd like to see try that (Kymberly Jane comes to mind right away)...


You can download the original video from here in its full resolution:

EDIT - Your one (courtesy) warning. Do not share content. BNF

(you'll need to replace the '@'s of course)
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