Autumn of Dick
Big Dick Slang - Scrotum Totem Ad Infinitum
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Unquestionably, the whole of human experience rests on the work of dicks, getting out there and dicking around. They knew this 3000 years ago. Dick correspondent Ashley Cowie reports from the scene of a massive, rock-hard old dick:
"Ms. Ängeby said when she realized what it was she thought ”oh my god, it can’t be true”.
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A little bit of hard truth here, sport? As impressed as the ladies are by a great big old dick? Well, they're equally and oppositely impressed by the tiny dicks.
Read dozens of accounts of women confronted by shrimp dick, and how they immediately told all their friends. And some of yours.
"I begged him to just stick it in. He said in a tired, flat, sad voice, ‘It is in.’ Awkward."
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Hey, maybe send her a dick pic to break the ice? Chics can't seem to make it stop, so they're laying down some ground rules, check it out:
"I don't like porn because I have to see the men's stupid faces, whereas with a dick pic, I can imagine whatever I want or even find a dick pic that looks like my boyfriend's."
Chris Diamond!