You seem to be pretty knowledgeable...could you show me just why Sarah Palin is judged by you as being stupid? Not just making bad choices, or being foolish, but actually stupid.
Whenever I have checked the usual claims (she said "I can see Russia from my house" they turn out to be BS from Lib operatives or dummies who confuse T Fey with S Palin.)
You seem to firmly believe the ex Governor of Alaska, and Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, is not only not of regular average intelligence but stupid.
I know how she got fuzzled by K Couric and did a bad interview, but c'mon...Joe Biden? He has websites devoted to the dumb stuff he's said, the Pres can't say corpsmen or corps and thinks we have 57 states...yet you've never said they were so dumb...etc.
So why is Gov Palin considered by you as stupid?
Fair question. I'll attempt to give you a fair answer.
First, we have to accept that we all come into this world ignorant. Agreed? Only as we go through life and become educated (either formally or by life experiences) do we gain knowledge and become less ignorant. But no matter how many years you stay in school or how much experience you soak up, there is not a soul on earth who knows everything there is to know about everything. So every one of us remains ignorant (to some degree) until the day we die. In my opinion, being characterized as stupid happens when one embraces their ignorance or willfully tries to hide it or cover it up with bullshit...
talking out of your ass, in other words.
Stupid is the one thing that you can't fix!
Yes, Sarah went from simply being ignorant to being fairly fucking stupid (in my book) during that Katie Couric interview that you mentioned,
as she did what I described above. The Couric interview exposed
the fact that she was ill-prepared to be any sort of effective national leader, as she just didn't have enough knowledge or experience - and worse, she didn't seem all that motivated to gain any additional knowledge... she already seemed to know all that she needed to know. She
went stupid when she was trying to dance her way around her lack of knowledge and preparedness, and just rely on her political and PR skills,
of which she does have many: she is folksy and can be somewhat charming. But even worse than that, IMO, was that when she was away from the bright lights and the TV cameras, she announced that she was in favor of a windfall profits tax... as a
fiscal conservative???!!! She harped about socialism and had JUST supported one of the largest
res publica schemes in America. :wtf: Kind of like someone claiming that they are an Orthodox Jew... but can't can't wait to try out some homemade ham biscuits during Sunday dinner. Er...
stoopid. :yesyes:
Years ago, when she allegedly wrote that she was a "physical" conservative, I rank that as a simple gaffe. I don't think that necessarily makes her stupid. Same with Obama and the 57 states thing. Do you
honestly believe that a guy who went to Harvard Law and was the president of the Harvard Law Review doesn't know how many states there are? Whether or not she knew the difference between "physical" and "fiscal" at the time, I do not know. But everyone misspells words or makes gaffes. I mistakenly said "return
of investment" when I meant "return
on investment" during a meeting last week. And a young fellow, with an associates degree in business from a local community college, decided that he would correct me on that and explain
to me what the difference was. And I thanked him. In fact, I'll probably be thanking him for the next few weeks... or until my dick gets tired of his ass. Considering that he was a tadpole in his mommy's belly when I was getting my MBA, I decided that it was time for him to get a different kind of schooling. So he'll be working on a
little after hours project (
this weekend - sure hope he didn't have plans or a date
) to calculate the internal rates of return, net present values and discounted cashflows of another scheme I am working on. He will present his results and I will be there to "help" him. He's probably on Wikipedia right now trying to figure out what IRR and NPV even mean. So given how I treat those who make a big deal about a gaffe that I might make (on a subject that I actually know quite well - but I'm human and I fuck up too), I don't think I'd want to be the one to challenge Obama on his knowledge of the number of states or constitutional law. I do not agree with Obama's leadership style at this stage and I do not agree with his current fiscal policy (neither he
nor the Congress actually has a fiscal policy that I have seen). But compared to either Joe Biden or (especially) Sarah P@lin, no, I can't say that I'd call him (generally) stupid. He might get cranky and give me some "homework" that I'd have to present and then my ass would be on Wiki (with the youngster where I work) instead of at a car show or a race. But would I challenge Palin on say, supply side economics (and I've forgotten a LOT)? Yes, I believe I would challenge the Mistress of Physical Conservatism. Unless she had Arthur Laffer hiding under her dress, I think I could still go to town on her narrow ass - maybe Steve Schmidt would even help me prep. :rofl: But hey, maybe there is some stuff she does know a lot about. I know it's not hunting. I know it's not guns. I know it's not fiscal or monetary policy. Maybe shopping? Yeah, she probably knows more about shopping at Saks or Macys than I do.
As for Biden, in fact I have made reference to his lack of brain power on several occasions here - most recently in the thread about what grade I'd give Obama as President. If you haven't noticed my criticisms of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Soros and several others on the left, then my assumption is that may be because you are somewhat more sensitive to the harsh things I tend to say about those on the right compared to things I say about people on the left. When Obama gave Joey the job of cobbling together some meaningless gun control legislation, and Biden mentioned that his wife could protect their home by taking a shotgun on the back deck and launching a round into the air, I ripped him a new one here and on a couple of other boards I'm on. Can anybody say "illegal? Maybe that was before you came back - I don't know.
What I would say about Biden now is what I have pretty much always said about him: he is a goof! Both he and Palin are very good "politicians" though (and that is not a compliment). But I don't consider either one to be on the short list of who I would want running my town, my state and for damn sure, my country. Is he dumber than her or is she dumber than him? Man, I don't know! It's just that annoying-ass tendency of hers to act like she knows stuff, that she clearly does not know, that irritates the shit out of me. The Great White Huntress... who didn't know what fucking caliber rifle she'd need to go caribou hunting or whether or not it had a hard recoil???!!!
Puleeeaase! Even with that pussy .243 they gave her to hold, I would have told her to keep her eye glued
right on the scope's eyepiece.... and then waited for her to yank the trigger! And hey, maybe Sarah and Joe (
) can make a baby. It would surely be the dumbest of the dumb, but I also bet it would be one hell of a vote getter.
P.S. Why do "conservatives" always bring up Biden whenever Palin or Bachmann are being discussed (ravaged)? Is it like grading idiots on the curve or something???