Beware Sarah Palin. From Australia, here comes Stephanie Banister

You thought Sarah Palin was the dumbest politician on Earth ? Actually, compared to Stephanie Banister, Palin is quite smart

I love the fact that they actually correct every single gaffe she makes, on air :clap::clap::clap:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yeah, since Jews follow the teachings of Jesus, we're OK with them. :rofl:

She actually does make Palin seem less stupid (I don't know if anybody could make her seem smart though). And she looks a hell of a lot like that other moron the TEA baggers were running for the Senate a couple of years back - Christine something or another. She was the one who had apparently dabbled in witchcraft... but claimed to be a good, Christian girl.

I take it that the political party lil Steffie belongs to is Australia's version of the TEA Party/post-modern GOP? Palin, Bachmann and now this creature: sisters from another twister.


Yeah, since Jews follow the teachings of Jesus, we're OK with them. :rofl:

She actually does make Palin seem less stupid (I don't know if anybody could make her seem smart though). And she looks a hell of a lot like that other moron the TEA baggers were running for the Senate a couple of years back - Christine something or another. She was the one who had apparently dabbled in witchcraft... but claimed to be a good, Christian girl.

I take it that the political party lil Steffie belongs to is Australia's version of the TEA Party/post-modern GOP? Palin, Bachmann and now this creature: sisters from another twister.

You seem to be pretty knowledgeable...could you show me just why Sarah Palin is judged by you as being stupid? Not just making bad choices, or being foolish, but actually stupid.

Whenever I have checked the usual claims (she said "I can see Russia from my house" they turn out to be BS from Lib operatives or dummies who confuse T Fey with S Palin.)
You seem to firmly believe the ex Governor of Alaska, and Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, is not only not of regular average intelligence but stupid.
I know how she got fuzzled by K Couric and did a bad interview, but c'mon...Joe Biden? He has websites devoted to the dumb stuff he's said, the Pres can't say corpsmen or corps and thinks we have 57 states...yet you've never said they were so dumb...etc.
So why is Gov Palin considered by you as stupid?
LOL @ Johan

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You seem to be pretty knowledgeable...could you show me just why Sarah Palin is judged by you as being stupid? Not just making bad choices, or being foolish, but actually stupid.

Whenever I have checked the usual claims (she said "I can see Russia from my house" they turn out to be BS from Lib operatives or dummies who confuse T Fey with S Palin.)
You seem to firmly believe the ex Governor of Alaska, and Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, is not only not of regular average intelligence but stupid.
I know how she got fuzzled by K Couric and did a bad interview, but c'mon...Joe Biden? He has websites devoted to the dumb stuff he's said, the Pres can't say corpsmen or corps and thinks we have 57 states...yet you've never said they were so dumb...etc.
So why is Gov Palin considered by you as stupid?

Fair question. I'll attempt to give you a fair answer.

First, we have to accept that we all come into this world ignorant. Agreed? Only as we go through life and become educated (either formally or by life experiences) do we gain knowledge and become less ignorant. But no matter how many years you stay in school or how much experience you soak up, there is not a soul on earth who knows everything there is to know about everything. So every one of us remains ignorant (to some degree) until the day we die. In my opinion, being characterized as stupid happens when one embraces their ignorance or willfully tries to hide it or cover it up with bullshit... talking out of your ass, in other words. Stupid is the one thing that you can't fix!

Yes, Sarah went from simply being ignorant to being fairly fucking stupid (in my book) during that Katie Couric interview that you mentioned, as she did what I described above. The Couric interview exposed the fact that she was ill-prepared to be any sort of effective national leader, as she just didn't have enough knowledge or experience - and worse, she didn't seem all that motivated to gain any additional knowledge... she already seemed to know all that she needed to know. She went stupid when she was trying to dance her way around her lack of knowledge and preparedness, and just rely on her political and PR skills, of which she does have many: she is folksy and can be somewhat charming. But even worse than that, IMO, was that when she was away from the bright lights and the TV cameras, she announced that she was in favor of a windfall profits tax... as a fiscal conservative???!!! She harped about socialism and had JUST supported one of the largest res publica schemes in America. :wtf: Kind of like someone claiming that they are an Orthodox Jew... but can't can't wait to try out some homemade ham biscuits during Sunday dinner. Er... stoopid. :yesyes:

Years ago, when she allegedly wrote that she was a "physical" conservative, I rank that as a simple gaffe. I don't think that necessarily makes her stupid. Same with Obama and the 57 states thing. Do you honestly believe that a guy who went to Harvard Law and was the president of the Harvard Law Review doesn't know how many states there are? Whether or not she knew the difference between "physical" and "fiscal" at the time, I do not know. But everyone misspells words or makes gaffes. I mistakenly said "return of investment" when I meant "return on investment" during a meeting last week. And a young fellow, with an associates degree in business from a local community college, decided that he would correct me on that and explain to me what the difference was. And I thanked him. In fact, I'll probably be thanking him for the next few weeks... or until my dick gets tired of his ass. Considering that he was a tadpole in his mommy's belly when I was getting my MBA, I decided that it was time for him to get a different kind of schooling. So he'll be working on a little after hours project (this weekend - sure hope he didn't have plans or a date :)) to calculate the internal rates of return, net present values and discounted cashflows of another scheme I am working on. He will present his results and I will be there to "help" him. He's probably on Wikipedia right now trying to figure out what IRR and NPV even mean. So given how I treat those who make a big deal about a gaffe that I might make (on a subject that I actually know quite well - but I'm human and I fuck up too), I don't think I'd want to be the one to challenge Obama on his knowledge of the number of states or constitutional law. I do not agree with Obama's leadership style at this stage and I do not agree with his current fiscal policy (neither he nor the Congress actually has a fiscal policy that I have seen). But compared to either Joe Biden or (especially) Sarah P@lin, no, I can't say that I'd call him (generally) stupid. He might get cranky and give me some "homework" that I'd have to present and then my ass would be on Wiki (with the youngster where I work) instead of at a car show or a race. But would I challenge Palin on say, supply side economics (and I've forgotten a LOT)? Yes, I believe I would challenge the Mistress of Physical Conservatism. Unless she had Arthur Laffer hiding under her dress, I think I could still go to town on her narrow ass - maybe Steve Schmidt would even help me prep. :rofl: But hey, maybe there is some stuff she does know a lot about. I know it's not hunting. I know it's not guns. I know it's not fiscal or monetary policy. Maybe shopping? Yeah, she probably knows more about shopping at Saks or Macys than I do.

As for Biden, in fact I have made reference to his lack of brain power on several occasions here - most recently in the thread about what grade I'd give Obama as President. If you haven't noticed my criticisms of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Soros and several others on the left, then my assumption is that may be because you are somewhat more sensitive to the harsh things I tend to say about those on the right compared to things I say about people on the left. When Obama gave Joey the job of cobbling together some meaningless gun control legislation, and Biden mentioned that his wife could protect their home by taking a shotgun on the back deck and launching a round into the air, I ripped him a new one here and on a couple of other boards I'm on. Can anybody say "illegal? Maybe that was before you came back - I don't know.

What I would say about Biden now is what I have pretty much always said about him: he is a goof! Both he and Palin are very good "politicians" though (and that is not a compliment). But I don't consider either one to be on the short list of who I would want running my town, my state and for damn sure, my country. Is he dumber than her or is she dumber than him? Man, I don't know! It's just that annoying-ass tendency of hers to act like she knows stuff, that she clearly does not know, that irritates the shit out of me. The Great White Huntress... who didn't know what fucking caliber rifle she'd need to go caribou hunting or whether or not it had a hard recoil???!!! Puleeeaase! Even with that pussy .243 they gave her to hold, I would have told her to keep her eye glued right on the scope's eyepiece.... and then waited for her to yank the trigger! And hey, maybe Sarah and Joe (O'Biden :D) can make a baby. It would surely be the dumbest of the dumb, but I also bet it would be one hell of a vote getter.

P.S. Why do "conservatives" always bring up Biden whenever Palin or Bachmann are being discussed (ravaged)? Is it like grading idiots on the curve or something???


So, you have saddled an intelligent and accomplished woman with the title "stupid" based on the level of humility she displays to you? You join the idiotic Lib hit squads and repeat their lame lies about her due to a desire to judge her on what you think she should acknowledge she doesn't be the only one who does that in the entire group of politicians in the whole giant planet Earth? The Prez has done that blatantly out in the open, but the folks you seem to emulate find that OK 'cause he's the Anointed Savior of the Liberal World View.
Well, fuck wonder I think she's more of a victim of ambush journalism ...she was... and she's actually pretty sharp and not a slouch doing those things Governing people (unlike the junior Senator from Illinois) should do and do well.
I think your smart level is revealed as lower, and Sarah is still a lot smarter than her agenda-ed detractors.
No matter how you want to twist a judgment of intelligence, making a bad decision is not the same as not smart.

And she has hunted most of her life, so any negative opinion you have on her ability to kill game is suspect, especially without any reasons which I noticed you didn't give.
I take it that the political party lil Steffie belongs to is Australia's version of the TEA Party/post-modern GOP? Palin, Bachmann and now this creature: sisters from another twister.
Actually, It's really difficult to compare US political parties and foreign political parties, mostly because of the bipartism of US politics and the fact that, every other parties than the Reps and the Dems are so small.
In Europe (and Australia) there 2 major parties :
-A Social-Democrat party
-A Right-Wing party
And, beside these to, there are smaller parties that are not to be under-estimated : far-right nationalists parties, Left-wing neo-communists parties, Green Parties, etc...

One Nation is a far-right nationalist party (lie France's Front National). These parties aren't comparable to any US political party : About crime, nationl security, immigration, gay rights, abortion they globaly share the same ideas than the most right-wing republicans (except for the christian aspects) but whe it comes to economy or health care, they are even more leftists than the most left-wing democrats.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So, you have saddled an intelligent and accomplished woman with the title "stupid" based on the level of humility she displays to you?

Humility? Humility?! Try integrity.

You join the idiotic Lib hit squads and repeat their lame lies about her due to a desire to judge her on what you think she should acknowledge she doesn't be the only one who does that in the entire group of politicians in the whole giant planet Earth?

It sounds as if you have the same fluid definition of fiscal conservatism as she does.

The Prez has done that blatantly out in the open, but the folks you seem to emulate find that OK 'cause he's the Anointed Savior of the Liberal World View.
Well, fuck wonder I think she's more of a victim of ambush journalism ...she was... and she's actually pretty sharp and not a slouch doing those things Governing people (unlike the junior Senator from Illinois) should do and do well.

You are freely entitled to your own opinion on how intelligent you *want* to believe she is.

I think your smart level is revealed as lower, and Sarah is still a lot smarter than her agenda-ed detractors.
No matter how you want to twist a judgment of intelligence, making a bad decision is not the same as not smart.

"Smart level", eh? Uh, OK. :D So look, you are a fan of Sarah P@lin. And that's fine. People don't like it when you knock their heroes or heroines. I get that. So if you want to be a member of the Silly Sarah from Wasilla Fan Club (or even the president), more power to you. And if there comes a time when you want to stand in and defend Sarah's honor by challenging me in a discussion/debate on economics, banking, real estate, etc., please, step up to the plate. At least one of us will have a good time. But don't mistake that for arrogance, because as I already said, no one knows everything about everything. And I certainly include myself in that. But if you, like your heroine, don't understand the basic fundamental principles of fiscal conservatism and supply side theory, tugging on my cape won't turn out the way You Might want it to. :)

And I'm sorry, but not everything is an MSM, lib media, leftie led hit job. Whether it's Fox News exposing Sarah's goofiness or MSNBC (that "blood libel" thing was especially funny - she was embracing her ignorance again, you see), like I said, you can't fix stupid. Why don't you right wingers get on the bandwagon of (truly) intelligent people, like Kay Bailey Hutchinson or Laura Ingraham? Why are you folks so drawn to brainless twits with make-believe degrees??? I'm sure there's some kind of sociological or psychological explanation... but I'm not curious enough to really care.

And she has hunted most of her life, so any negative opinion you have on her ability to kill game is suspect, especially without any reasons which I noticed you didn't give.

So because her PR squad claims that she is a great hunter, you believe it? Well then, I suggest you avoid taking wooden nickels in business transactions. I have hunted most of my life and I don't need outside advice on the appropriate caliber for any wild game native to my area - not since I was about 13 anyway. And I wouldn't need to ask anybody if a .243 had bad recoil. Cause, well, ya know... anyone who has actually been around hunting and firearms most of their life would know those things already. Course, someone who is just playing a part for the TV cameras, hamming it up for the lemmings, would not know those things. Does it kick? Dad, should I shoot now? And then Dad has to chamber another round after she misses... MULTIPLE TIMES??? I would be ashamed to show my face if I said ir did even half the stupid shit she did on that hunt. There's another vid where she instantly puts her finger on a hot trigger. :wtf: You have got to be fucking kidding me! You want to try to pass that shit off as something a skilled marksman and hunter would do? I know 12 year olds that are better shots and better hunters than this game preserve princess. A dog & pony show/photo op, which just further revealed her lack of skills, lack of integrity and lack of intelligence.

This pitiful tame motherfucker died of old age before that final bullet ever arrived.

Sure, Sarah is a great hunter and a brilliant politician. And Danica P@trick is going to be driving for Ferrari in F1 in the very near future.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

Lies. Damn lies! That's not even Sarah P@lin. No! That's uh... that's Tina Fey... dressed up like Queen Sarah - all hail the Queen :bowdown:. The lib-led MSM paid that Demoncrat/Demontard Tina to do another "gotcha job" on poor, widdle Sarah! See, they gotta make Sarah look bad so that that mixed race Kenyan, Big Daddy O'Trauma, can serve three more terms and do nothin' but stand up there and read off his teleprompter. All we gots to do is deregulate and cut taxes. That's all it takes, man! If they had just listened to the Lord (Ronald Reagan), that little recession back in 2008 would have been over in about two months... three tops. Just like when Lord Reagan raised interest rates to kill off that, dis... er, inflation thingy. See, back then everybody had a job and everybody was happy. We used to stand around and sing songs and play games in the 80's. We need to get back to basics and listen to what great leaders and smart people like Sarah P@lin and Stephanie Banister have to say. They will save us. Uh oh, gotta go now... the mothership is on the way. :portal:



That's rich...Broken wheel, award winning site idiot, who, if he voted most likely voted in Barack "I have no idea what I'm doing" Otrama and Joe "HUH?" Biden to lead our country into it's future far so good.
Yet Sarah, first time in the national arena gets hit by Lib hitsquads and the best they can do is portray a successful Governor and Alaskan politician and administrator as dumb...considering she was at least close and maybe right about Paul Revere's actions, Joe isn't even close.
And Dems put him twice a heartbeat away from leader of the US of A.

Once again, you've illustrated your lack of even the most basic human intelligence. You asked for proof of Palin not being smart. I have it to you. For someone who hollers "America!" at every possibile opportunity to stir up her blind, brainless followers, she sure doesn't know her 6th grade American history. Not only does she completely butcher one of the most well-known and romanticized tales of America's fight for independence, she turns it into a poorly veiled attempt to make it into a 2nd amendment issue. And morons like you - too stupid realize that our current system of buying and selling automatic weapons without regulation is the problem, but just smart enough not to shoot yourself in the face (most of the time) - eat it up like she's a brilliant breath of fresh air for the Republican Party. She's a fucking idiot, and you're even stupider for not being able to see it. That's the difference between us. A prominent conservative could come out and say the earth is flat, and you'd be telling us how they're a genius and we're just "libtards" out to smear them. That's because your party is the Tea Party. My party is the Common Sense Party. That's not to say that the Democratic Party is the Common Sense Party, it means that I won't blindly follow an idiot just because they vote the way I want them to.

And by the way, great defense you have there. I give you video evidence of her being an idiot, and you decide to call Biden an idiot, when NO ONE was talking about him. You're fucking stupid, and EVERYONE knows it.


I swear I can visualize the angry tears streaming down your face and splattering the monitor!
I'm lacking " even the most basic human intelligence"" Really? I pwn you every time we cross, and all you can say is that?
You are seriously saying Palin "sure doesn't know her 6th grade American history" and then you completely tard out with "she completely butcher(s) one of the most well-known and romanticized tales of America's fight for independence". And you try to sell me as low IQ...pretty lame there, Broken Wheel.
Her off the cuff (no teleprompter) description was actually more accurate than a bozo like you when the populace was moving after the main alert I have no doubt everyone didn't get a text, but a bell or two was indeed used to alert the later-described-in-the-2nd-amendment well organized it comes, dumbass...the Minutemen!
Yes, I did use Joey boy as an example of the hypocrisy of the Libtards such as yourself 'cause you put him into office 2 times a mere heartbeat away from being President...and between the 2 Uncle Joe says a lot stupider and way more ignorant stuff...and you spend no time excoriating him for his incredible stupidity.
I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the Tea Party...but don't let that interrupt your ranting lunacy; let's all laugh together at this gem..."buying and selling automatic weapons without regulation is the problem'; no, the problem is Constitutionally ignorant bozos like you and Johan and Assari who all have something lame, simpleminded, and off topic to say about bearing arms.
It's not up for's a solid fact and no one is gonna move the decimal point anywhere.
But to get back to your just too dumb to be real (it is, though,sad to say) statement, "buying and selling automatic weapons without regulation is the problem", the most regulated of all firearms is the automatic weapon. Your complete ignorance of the subject doesn't ever seem to stop you, does it?
So how is that any kind of problem? Automatic weapons?
I see where you get your watch movies before bedtime, and see Rambo and Bruce Willis shooting up the place in your fever dreams.
Maybe it's time to consider that lobotomy you've been putting off, your pain is so obvious.
I know how hard it is worrying about Sarah Palin shooting you with an automatic could happen!

I'll bet you're sweating bullets...:rofl2::rofl::rofl::rofl2:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
You know, every once in a while I peek at ignored posts, just to see if I'm still doing myself a favor. If I were to score these posts, 100% being 100% useless, Philbert would land somewhere between Sam and Will (I've heard people mention Sam makes the odd reasonable post, but I sure as hell never saw any). Here's an example of a reasonable post:
You seem to be pretty knowledgeable...could you show me just why Sarah Palin is judged by you as being stupid? Not just making bad choices, or being foolish, but actually stupid.

Absolutely fair question to ask. Then of course he follows it up by being his usual partisan ignoramus self, throwing insults and attacking other figures that don't even have anything to do with the conversation. So Philbert, let me spell this out to you very succinctly, because I know that your ego is about the size of a Goodyear blimp and your intelligence is inversely proportional:

I swear I can visualize the angry tears streaming down your face and splattering the monitor!
The only tears caused by you are those of laughter. Because you are a joke. Like Sam, without the "look at me!" attention-complex (and hey, credit to you where credit is due. You've got a one-up on Sam. Congrats). I know your ego will never let you realize or admit it, but SpokenWheel isn't kidding:
I give you video evidence of her being an idiot, and you decide to call Biden an idiot, when NO ONE was talking about him. You're fucking stupid, and EVERYONE knows it.
We really do.

Anyway, as much as I could lie and say I eagerly await your 8th-grade "I'm rubber and you're glue" response, they're a bit dull after a dozen reiterations. Get yourself some education outside the Republican party line; you'll be a better person for it.

Props to Rey and SpokenWheel for answering the question asked. As for this Stephanie Banister, I've just met a group of Australians; I'll have to ask them about her.


Staff member
In Europe (and Australia) there 2 major parties :
-A Social-Democrat party
-A Right-Wing party
And, beside these to, there are smaller parties that are not to be under-estimated : far-right nationalists parties, Left-wing neo-communists parties, Green Parties, etc...

One Nation is a far-right nationalist party (lie France's Front National). These parties aren't comparable to any US political party : About crime, nationl security, immigration, gay rights, abortion they globaly share the same ideas than the most right-wing republicans (except for the christian aspects) but whe it comes to economy or health care, they are even more leftists than the most left-wing democrats.
The socialist party in France have always more cared for foreigners than the born and bred French citizens, don't deny it. The Hollande voters are mainly civil servants (including teachers, low qualified staff, railroaders of the sncf and the ratp), gays, lesbians, welfare cases, immigrants from the Maghreb and Africa and of course ex convicts. You voted for that douchebag of Hollande :douchebag: Johan, so stop acting innocent. The socialist party is now lead by Harlem Desir who represents the scum and the welfare cases than the honest and hard working law abiding French citizens. I forgot to tell that Fabius, Desir and Ayrault were all previously condemned by justice for bribes and other crimes, yet you don't mention it. You should remember which were the flags which have been seen at the Place de la Bastille when Hollande was elected. There wasn't a single french flag.

There is absolutely nothing wrong by wanting a strong national security, closed frontiers, but also trying to relocate our own industries in our homeland. Hollande has mostly killed our manufacturing industries, continue to sell Paris wealthiest areas to the Quataris as well as creates useless jobs of civil servants which will never replace our industries. The UMP is now bankrupt and even among the socialist and the communist voters many are disappointed by Hollande which only has 25% of satisfactory approval rate (I bet you are one of those who likes this cunt). Now the voters of these parties (PS, Front de Gauche and UMP) are more or less joining the FN which has been de demonized through time and which was right on several things that would ruin France with the actual European context and the Euro. All what Hollande does is to create taxes and accelerate the impoverishment of France, he blindly obeys like a fucking cock sucking brainless muppet to what Brussels says and never dares to question the decisions taken and ordered by the Brussels technocrats even if it fucks up the lives of hundred thousands of honest hardworking citizens.


You know, every once in a while I peek at ignored posts, just to see if I'm still doing myself a favor. If I were to score these posts, 100% being 100% useless, Philbert would land somewhere between Sam and Will (I've heard people mention Sam makes the odd reasonable post, but I sure as hell never saw any). Here's an example of a reasonable post:

Absolutely fair question to ask. Then of course he follows it up by being his usual partisan ignoramus self, throwing insults and attacking other figures that don't even have anything to do with the conversation. So Philbert, let me spell this out to you very succinctly, because I know that your ego is about the size of a Goodyear blimp and your intelligence is inversely proportional:

The only tears caused by you are those of laughter. Because you are a joke. Like Sam, without the "look at me!" attention-complex (and hey, credit to you where credit is due. You've got a one-up on Sam. Congrats). I know your ego will never let you realize or admit it, but SpokenWheel isn't kidding:

We really do.

Anyway, as much as I could lie and say I eagerly await your 8th-grade "I'm rubber and you're glue" response, they're a bit dull after a dozen reiterations. Get yourself some education outside the Republican party line; you'll be a better person for it.

Props to Rey and SpokenWheel for answering the question asked. As for this Stephanie Banister, I've just met a group of Australians; I'll have to ask them about her.

OK, now go hide before I post again. You always high five some fool (in this case Broken Wheel , prize winning dummie ) on your way back to "ignore Heaven", but you have the courage of a garden snail. Your BS has no meaning.
Neither you nor slo-mo has ever had the balls to back up your lame claims with factual me where I am wrong, or ever not as smart or smarter than you.
You know you're a pussy, and so do I. It'll never happen.
Bye Bye!:wave:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Here's the Daily Show's take, including a few other political gems from the land down under:


Here's the Daily Show's take, including a few other political gems from the land down under:

So cliche...
Here's a Daily Show clip, used by China to laugh at what Stalin called the "useful idiots", i.e. the Left ...
The real dummies here aren't former Governors or former junior Senators from Illinois, it's the gullible masses of Libtards swallowing lie after lie from a politician who is just like every other politico going after the Brass Ring...and re-electing him after a full term of lies and fuckups.
Ratturd is a classic dumb and gullible, when it comes down to where the rubber meets the road, as that lady who believed Otrama was gonna pay her mortagage, her gas for her car, etc.
Twin sisters from different mothers.:facepalm::sheep: