her Draenei Death Knight makes her wet, prior to this she always played a healer so now she gets to do damage and goes ballastic. repressed aggression lets loose lol. i haven't played WoW in forever, I'm still playing Fallout 3 with the dlc stuff so she's passed up my toons. she doesn't let me forget that either. girls are worse trash talkers than guys when it comes to gaming.
i never got around to XI, FF7 was the last I played then i got hooked on Civilization, Unreal Tournament and AoE. ahhhhh the good ol' days.....
Its been years since I played KOTOR. My xbox died in a power surge.
I was going to start WoW, but my friend stopped playing. XI is pretty much dead but Im thinking of playing it again till XIV comes out. I got Civ4 for christmas. I love that series.
I just got Fallout 3 today and Im about to start playing it. I just got the base game for cheap so I can see how I like it.
i think you'll like it. its definitely a play it how you like game. not really set line of quests or anything. there's the main quest line but the stage is so huge you can go for a long time picking up side quests without having to stay focused on the one main quest. i got the area 52 and the pitt download content and that perked my interest back up. oh and get used to things like:
bongo bongo bongo i dun wanna leave the congo oh no no no no no (the radio station has a short play list lol)