Out of the songs that I know, I like Baba O'Riley, Who Are You?, Won't Get Fooled Again, Behind Blue Eyes, and Pinball Wizard.
I have a coworker who is probably THE biggest Who fan in the world. Often at work he'll play You Tube videos of Who songs that I've never heard of, and there's been many that I've really liked.
Sorry for the double "Reign O'er Me" deal....not sure how that happened quite frankly. It was supposed to be "Eminence Front". Too much tequila tonight perhaps....or not. Maybe just old age setting in.
Really, Pete was simply doing research for a future book, don't hold that against him fer chrissakes! Oh, OK so it was a mistake, it's long past, just let it go.
Peter Townshend is not overrated. Heck, he's the main songwriter in the group.
The Who were not fortunate to have two talented songwriters like the Beatles, (John Lennon-Paul McCartney) like the Rolling Stones (Mick Jaggger-Keith Richards) or even like Led Zeppelin (Robert Plant-Jimmy Page)
Hmmmm... Some that I like...
"The Seeker" ... Because Roger Daultry mentions (actually Pete Townshend wrote) this verse:
I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked the Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either.
"Love Reign O'er Me" .... because I like the sound of rain in the beginning.
"Boris the Spider" .... because of John Entwhistle is singing the lead vocal.
But this song, "Bell Boy," ... because Keith Moon is singing most of the lead vocal... Yes, it is a rarity.
I like it too....a lot. Great tune. The Who are incredible. And if anything, Pete Townshend is underrated. Probably the greatest rhythm guitar talent that ever walked the earth.
My Top 3 or the 3 songs by The Who that i would play if i was a Dj and it was triple shot thursday
Eminence Front
Behind Blue Eyes
Won't Get Fooled Again
If I had to choose only one, I'd go with Squeeze Box. It's got that singalong quality a song needs and it lightens me up! Plus the banjo part is awesome!
Ever Since High School,1973,when I want to turn the VOLUME UP, Anoy the neighbors,scare small pets,vibrate concrete structures, I put on "Won't get Fooled Again" at MAX volume. Yes, it's been Hi-jacked into the T.V. theme songs. I don't care !!!!