Best site hookup?

I tried adult friend finder with absolutly no luck, I havent had much success with craigslist mostly just spam and a few escorts. Aer there any better sites that I may not know about yet. And please share your experiences that you have had.:thumbsup:
Craigslist works but you have to post an ad. Responding to them is useless. its like fishing you have to throw a few line out and hope you get a bite. the trick is to be honest and ask for what you want dont just hope any chick is gonna answer an ad that says "hey I wanna fuck" chicks dont want creeps. You gotta be real or you will fail. last but not least, Dont expect the hottest chick in town to respond, it aint gonna happen, but you dont have to respond to that living abortion.

Also to avoid spam, set up a dummy e-mail account so that the one that you do real business through isnt full of spam.

Good luck:thumbsup:

remember patients Grasshopper
Myspace, Facebook and what about joining
Or just hang out in bars and get yourself some new clothes.
Wouldn't it be easier, & probably more fruitful, to just walk down the street & ask every girl you see for a fuck?!? Bar the odd slap in the face I bet you'd get somewhere. . .unless you're really ugly. :dunno:

I agree. Don't depend on a website to meet someone. Go out and live it up. If you don't like going by yourself ask a few buddies to tag along. Or better yet ask a few close friends if they know anyone you could hook up with.
Wouldn't it be easier, & probably more fruitful, to just walk down the street & ask every girl you see for a fuck?!? Bar the odd slap in the face I bet you'd get somewhere. . .unless you're really ugly. :dunno:

My ex-stepfather mentioned this one time. Said that you may ask ten chicks to fuck, and nine of the ten are gonna slap you in the face, but it's worth it for the one that says yes.