Ive been on a hunt lately for porn streaming sites. Ive found *********, *****, ****, and a couple other good ones. but ive grown tired of these sites.
Hence is the issue. The ones you have listed and the rest are in SELFDESTRUCT mode. A couple of years ago when they started they were unique and refreshing "look and find" as folks uploaded stuff generally not available elsewhere. Now, most of them, all what they do is:
1) trading the same clips, vids and traffic among themselfs and that is why they all start to look alike.
2) they change the names of the same clips so that the software allows them to be posted and re posted many times over.
3) block access to uploads to most except those who are willing to pay for the priviledge, which leaves the same suppliers over and over posting same or similar stuff.
4) Proliferate like "mushrooms after summer rainfall" as desperate webmasters trying to save themselvs from certain demise by hoping that by joining this "false tube trade" miracle will happen.
... and finally to your question: Really there are NONE which will give you anything new and different then on those you have listed.
You better stick to forums like this one where there are still individuals ( and a few web masters) who reply to requests and who start individual topics of interest to for indiviual niches.
I could list a few tubes similar to those which you have listed but trust me after few evenings or "look and see" you would be just as tired as you are now.