best porn star with natural tits

A bit more specific please...

Do you like large tits (natural though) or smaller ones? Do you like puffy nipples or not? Large aureoles or not? Do you prefer a specific shape? Do You Mind if they're a bit saggy?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
come on help me out please

For fuck's sake man, use the search function. You're not getting very many responses because this has been asked at least ten times before. Check the other threads, there are plenty of women listed there.


It's good to be the king...
Once upon a time I would have said Linsey Dawn McKenzie without hesitation - but that was before her breast reduction surgery...

Nowadays, there's Brandy Talore, Merilyn Sakova, Ines Cudna, and so on, and so on, et al...

Then there's the lady in my sig - Alexis Silver.

Take yer pick....:D