Best NES game

azgta said:
Mike Tyson? Never knew he had a game.
It was awesome. But I really can't argue any one of those games, all of them were so much fun.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Vice: Project Doom
Robin Hood (The one with Kevin Costner, awesome RPG)
Final Fantasy 1
Tecmo World Cup Soccer (Remember Germany's super kick?)
River City Ransom (Hell yes)
Mario 1/2/3

Worst NES games:
Adventure - Link (side scrolling? Dunno what they were thinking.)
Metal Gear (Anyone played the MSX version? 'Nuff said, if you have.)
Contra (Arcade version totally owns NES version.. download MAME and check out what a joystick does for yer shots. :p But I still played the buhjesus outta C and Super C)

Marble Madness (OMG using a D pad for an analog game..)

"The Power Glove... its so bad."

You NEED to click this. the mario
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Mike Tyson's Punchout
Tecmo Superbowl
Kung Fu
Super Mario Bros.
Ninja Gaiden
Blades of Steel
Rad Racer
RC Pro Am