Best Movie Opening


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I checked and no one started it so I will:

Best Movie Opening Scenes

Saving Private Ryan
Fight Club
Apocalypse Now
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Sling Blade
I agree, Saving Private Ryan has a great opening scene.

The one that sticks most in my memory is Love Story.
Boogie Nights
Reservoir Dogs
King Kong '05

Basic Instinct :D
Saving Private Ryan
All 3 installments of LOTR
Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket
Clockwork Orange
Children of Men. It opens perfectly, exposing the viewer to the type of world and mood the film will portray as well as a jarring glimpse of its impressive camera work and cinematography.
I don't know but the Paramount logo fading into the mountain from a distance in Raiders of the Lost Ark is a lasting memory.