Okay here's what you do.
Your attacker is bigger than you. He's angry and it looks like you are the next person he's going to beat the living crap out of. As Senior Scratch says curling into a ball and crying do work absolute wonders when you're faced with this type of person.
But it doesn't always work. Even if you do all of these things and you look as pathetic as humanly possible there still will be some who just like hurting people and as you now look like the weakest most pathetic parasite on the face of the Earth it's obviously going to be you that he's going to release all his pent up testosterone on. So what are you going to do about it? Your plans have gone awry, he's moving closer and you know
You Might very well be beaten to death and defecated on at that very moment. What you do is the only thing you can do, it's the only thing anyone would do at that situation - in the position you're in . . . you offer even beg to suck his cock.
Now I know it's not the most pleasant thought, just think of all the flaps of skin and the smell and depending on your area there may even be a faint chance of smegma, but that's what you have to do. For all you know your very life might be on the line and you have to try and save it somehow.
Now there are two options that will open to you here. There are probably more but who cares. Okay, 1) He excepts your offer. What this means is you have to purse your lips and go for it. It'll probably be unpleasant he may not have washed for days. But this option does open another window of opportunity to you. You either finish him off trying not to gag as the cum hits the back of your throat, or you take action. You use the tools you have at your disposal and you bite! But remember if you take this route you'll only get one chance so bite quickly and bite hard. Then with as much force as you can muster you back away, spit it out if you need to and watch as a grown man hits the floor with the most tremendous screech you've ever heard. Then it's just a matter of getting up walking back over to his shrivelled body, kicking him a few times and doing a merry fun dance over him you may even piss on him if you wish, before running away.
Now, that's option 1 out of the way, now for option 2. He refuses. What do you do? He's not going to allow you to suck his cock and he'll probably beat you even more now for even bringing it up. Again you have a couple choices here. Firstly, you except your fate and you curl into a ball protecting those delicate areas hoping you survive the onslaught and that maybe a passing “Good Samaritan” might come to your aid. Or yet again you use your initiative and the considerable brain capacity you have over this great hulk of shit. What you do is, you leap forward and forcibly open his trousers and you then attempt to pleasure him against his own free will trying to dodge the punches as they come.
Now you will probably be killed at this point but it will be worth the try because who knows? Maybe a bit of man mouth is all he needed at the end of the night.
At least you would have tried and at the end of the day that's all Jebus wants.