Best Magazine?

Club and Mayfair I always found were two of the classier mags with the best girls. I havent bought either in years, but when I was a reader, I could rarely fault them.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
When I was in my teens I used to swipe High Society and Hustler, from the local corner store. I don't steal these days so I ocassionally buy the random issue of Fortean Times.
Comics Buyers Guide, Wizard, and MAD.

Just something to read at work during breaks of Court Jestering.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Model Directory & Mens World were always my favorites back in the days when I bought them. I used to have a good size collection too (400+) but got rid of most of them some years back....I dont buy anymore now though, got all my needs on the net :D


Lord Dipstick
XXL yo!


Lord Dipstick