HDTV is a conflicting mess ...
Anyone in technology wanted 60Hz, non-interlaced, 1280x720 or 1920x1080 lines.
But the boys over in "Big Media" only cared about interlaced.
Reality ...
Consoles have just taken over PC sales this past year. Why?
HDTV is the main reason (whereas PCs used to be the only platform with better than 480p), and games are designed for 60Hz non-interlaced.
Another reason has to do with the commodization and sheer volume (especially over PCs designed for games), which results in price.
And lets face it, it's a crapload easier to support a console than a PC for gaming.
If I had to buy a HDTV today, I'd go straight to 1080p (1920x1080 progressive, 60Hz non-interlaced) or similar (e.g., 1920x1200, 16:10).
Don't even bother with 720p (1280x720 progressive, also sold as 1280x768 or 1366x768) or 1080i (commonly implemented as 540p, and not true 1920x1080).
The "wobble" (960x1080 progressive, scanned twice horizontally at 120Hz, resulting in 1920x1080) DLP Projection HDTVs are under $1,500 for a 60"+.
HD TV! I recently purchased a 57" Mitsubishi DLP HDTV and I will NEVER go back to regular TV.
Actually, HDTV is a basket mess of conflicting standards.Hdtv
Anyone in technology wanted 60Hz, non-interlaced, 1280x720 or 1920x1080 lines.
But the boys over in "Big Media" only cared about interlaced.
Reality ...
Consoles have just taken over PC sales this past year. Why?
HDTV is the main reason (whereas PCs used to be the only platform with better than 480p), and games are designed for 60Hz non-interlaced.
Another reason has to do with the commodization and sheer volume (especially over PCs designed for games), which results in price.
And lets face it, it's a crapload easier to support a console than a PC for gaming.
If I had to buy a HDTV today, I'd go straight to 1080p (1920x1080 progressive, 60Hz non-interlaced) or similar (e.g., 1920x1200, 16:10).
Don't even bother with 720p (1280x720 progressive, also sold as 1280x768 or 1366x768) or 1080i (commonly implemented as 540p, and not true 1920x1080).
The "wobble" (960x1080 progressive, scanned twice horizontally at 120Hz, resulting in 1920x1080) DLP Projection HDTVs are under $1,500 for a 60"+.