Best Feeling in the World?


what the fuck you lookin at?
i have felt utopia a few times in my life. utopia for me was playing mario kart double dash with my then new girlfriend while smoking a bunch of pot. seriously. i was happy.

most other times invloved a sexual act of some sort so...

playing video games while completly stoned is always nice!
I can personally attest to the truthfulness of the following quote:

There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result - Winston Churchill

Taking a really long bike ride then for about the last kilometer going as hard and as fast as you can then when get home sit down for about two minutes and walk around, your legs feel like rubber.
Hot baths are definitely it

A long hot soaking bubble bath, lit candles, a great book and soft soothing music. The kind you keep adding hot water and bubble bath so you don't have to leave. Leaves you pruned, but like other things the skin goes back to normal in no time. Elasticity is wonderful isn't it? :D
Have to agree. Yes, I'm a man, and I'm saying this. I typically take very cold ("all the way cold") showers, so I never get warm at work or even doing all sorts of physical activity (especially living in the far southernn US and humidity 9-10 months out of the year). So I really enjoy it when I take a very hot bath, and just soak for 30+ minutes. It not only makes me relax, but it puts (cliche, but) my entire heart, mind, body and soul "at rest" -- especially if I'm going to engage in repeast sexual activity for the next 24 hours. I only discovered this more recently (within the last 6 months), and never realized how relaxing and wonderful it really is.
Nothing is very much fun anymore. I don't know what it is, I am 18 and rarely leave the house. I never been into what others have been, but there are two people I let slip away. I still have possible contact with one...I do NOT want to lose her. Someone say something to motivate me and maybe I will call her I am serious... :(

So I would say listening to music since I have no way of creating it woulda been music while driving my car...but that died last wek
Need a hobby? I think you just gave us one!

Nothing is very much fun anymore. I don't know what it is, I am 18 and rarely leave the house. I never been into what others have been, but there are two people I let slip away. I still have possible contact with one...I do NOT want to lose her. Someone say something to motivate me and maybe I will call her I am serious... :( So I would say listening to music since I have no way of creating it woulda been music while driving my car...but that died last wek :(
You need a hobby.

If you don't leave the house, you have no excuse not sitting down and learning how to play a keyboard and synthesize some basic music. Seriously. There is a lot of free software out there to do it, and plenty of others to correspond with who are doing it.

So, if you really like music and have the time, pick it up as a hobby. Start by learning notes and applying them to a keyboard. With the quality of samples and sounds freely available on the Internet and usable with free software, you can really create some solid music.

It just takes the application of interest with time. I wish you the best of luck. If if that's not the hobby, find something that interests you.
I use to go out alot. Then things went down socially, then when I was fired from my job back in June for wearing a black t-shirt on BREAK, things got worse. I know it is up to me to revive my social life, but it's not easy for me to call my own brother, let alone some non-relative. I don't know why I always doubt peoples sincerity and love or careing.

I have a keyboard I recently bought. I never bothered to actually learn because I doubt myself.

Another thing that is the best feeling in the world is being around this one girl, not sexually, just being around. That is the best feeling. She 23 though lol...
mines gotta be grappling or boxing. punching people in the face or making them tap is a huge rush

When I was kickboxing, I didn't get as much of a rush from hitting people as I did once I was able to read their body movements as if I was reading their minds, and knocking down everything they trew at me. Even better was being able to drop my hands, and stick out my chin, and be able to avoid their hands completely with simple, small movements. It was really fun watching them get frustrated because of it, and that was a pretty great feeling too. Damn, I wish I could still do that!
I use to go out alot. Then things went down socially, then when I was fired from my job back in June for wearing a black t-shirt on BREAK, things got worse.
Were you warned before? Were you in any area where customers or clients could see you? If not, then you have a case for wrongful termination. I'd be interested in hearing more details.

I know it is up to me to revive my social life, but it's not easy for me to call my own brother, let alone some non-relative. I don't know why I always doubt peoples sincerity and love or careing. I have a keyboard I recently bought. I never bothered to actually learn because I doubt myself.
Why? If you love music, who cares! Even if you are the only person who gets satisfaction out of it, then that's all that matters. People don't get into music for the fan-fare, they get into it because they love it.

Another thing that is the best feeling in the world is being around this one girl, not sexually, just being around. That is the best feeling. She 23 though lol...
So. Tell her that. Tell her how much she means to you, in any capacity as she sees fit.

Let's take this to PM.