Best European Counrty

Best region of Europe

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Following the threads of best city, I, as a Belgian and European citizen, was wondering what, you Americans, believe is the best European country/region to live in.

Western Europe (England, France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands)
Northern Europe (Danmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia)
Centre Europe (Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungaria, Slovenia)
Eastern Europe (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Servia, Bosnia, Macedonia, etc...)
Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and the island in the Mediterranean Sea)
Fuck Europe :D

If you want to make a choice, please do so, and if you like a specific country, please add it in your comments, but then also tell why.

Thanks! :thumbsup:
But I thought Europe was a country. :dunno: :confused:
We are working on it...

But I am unsure if that will be a good idea :dunno:

It'll never be one country as such. You, as a German, should know that better then any other nationality in Europe. I read last in Die Welt that a majority of the Germans want the Deutsche Mark back in stead of the Euro. And I have to admit, even I, as a Belgian citizen, understand these people. Europe was never this expensive, and taxes keep on raising. You also know what the € did for the consumption prizes.
If you look at the prime minister it must be Denmark. At least she's looking better than Merkel.

Western Europe