Best comedy since 2000

I'll say How I Met Your Mother. It's senescent now, but in it's prima, it was very funny and was creative in story telling.


For me The Big Bang Theory
Comedy is incredibly subjective, obviously. But my favourites have been :

* Extras * - As hard as I sometimes find it to watch smug little twat Ricky Gervais playing himself, this was incredibly rewarding watching celebrities playing hysterical caricatures of themselves, especially Patrick Stewart, [NOBABE]Kate Winslet[/NOBABE] and Chris Martin ("I want to get back for Deal Or No Deal, plus Gwyneth's making drumsticks") and the "BAFTAS" episode is absolutely amazing thanks, in chief, to Ronnie Corbett and Moira Stewart. Most episodes feature some amazing genuine LOL moments from either "Barry"/Shaun and/or the real star of the piece, Darren Lamb.

* The Inbetweeners * - I really don't know if this would go over at all in North America because the humour is just so quintessentially British (probably why the remake was so shit). Actually, it's even more niche in that it will probably only strike a chord with men of a certain age that did their A-Levels at a public college or sixth form, like myself. It's hilarious because it's all so true - the shit first cars, the lame parties, the fight to fit in, the abusing the new kid, the aborted attempts at losing your virginity, the run-ins with your school's equivalent of Donovan, the non-stop insulting each others' parents. It gets old quickly if you watch the episodes too often and the jokes don't take you off-guard any more, but on the first few viewings it's amazing. It resonates - we all had a friend like Neil (I did), we all had a friend like Jay (I DEFINITELY did) and in honesty, I was the friend closest to Will. Though I never had a briefcase.

* Arrested Development * - OK, I usually champion homegrown stuff, but when America gets comedy right, they REALLY nail it. No boring or bland, sweetness and light characters, no predictable linear storyline, no ludicrously obviously will-they, won't-they romance story (unless you count George Michael and Maeby, which you don't, because they're cousins). Completely nonsensical and ridiculous at times but at no point unbelievable, with some fantastic set piece gags, and if you watch the DVDs there are some amazing foreshadowing moments that are only funny after you've seen the whole series. Two of the greatest characters I've ever seen in Gob and Tobias, even the minor roles give value like Bob Loblaw and Ice, and some brilliant guest stars, especially [NOBABE]Justine Bateman[/NOBABE] as Nelly ("It's weird on so many levels") and Carl Weathers as himself. Heart-warming, unpredictable, and most of all, very very funny.
Spaced technically missed the cut by about 3 months, so I'll say It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and The Office.
Very frustrating. Louie is my favorite comedy show on TV. So many memorable episodes too. Love the one where he went down to Alabama and the other one when he was following/stalking the black girl on the train.

I heard somewhere he's delaying it because he wants to be able to take his time and not half-ass it. I think it's supposed to come out this spring. The one where he had to go see his dad was hilarious.


Lord Dipstick
Real Husbands of Hollywood
Chris Rock kills when he guests...:1orglaugh