best buy trying to rip people off again


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I haven't shopped there in a couple of years. I got so annoyed when I would walk into the store and the guy watching the security cameras would say hi to you, to draw your attention, so you know you're being watched and wouldn't steal anything. Don't talk to me, you don't care, and stop trying to sell me on some God damn charge card!
Well not everything is higher priced in Best Buy, but most are. You really do have to compare prices between various places. No one store will have the best price all the time.
First off Best Buy is a great store to browse around.

Second off if you are buying computer related items at Best Buy or any retail store instead of you’re a dumb ass anyway.

Third off geek squad is a good place for kids to start off their IT career.

Fourth off why do they sell refrigerators’ at best buy? Has anyone bought a refrigerator from Best Buy? When you are in the market for a Refrigerator is best buy the first place you would think to buy one.
Best Buy was good a few years ago when Circuit City kept them in check. But with CC going bankrupt, there is no good competition to force them to keep prices down. Someone will come along, open up a competing store & prices will slowly come back to something reasonable.
I go to Best Buy to get advice from there knowledgeable salesmen........then I buy it on Amazon & save a crapload of $$$$$$$$......
Worst Buy will never get anymore of my money. They have earned three strikes from myself and the wife for sorry service. HHGregg rules them!
More the power to them if people are dumb enough to fall for it. It'll just teach people to research shit before buying it.
More the power to them if people are dumb enough to fall for it. It'll just teach people to research shit before buying it.

I think that's a fairly bass-ackwards way of looking at it. I'd like to see a company like this making a good faith effort towards NOT ripping people off.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm not surprised they would pull something like that, but honestly if I worked there I would advise customers not to get it. No way I'd be a part of a dumb rip-off like that.
good faith companies...heh...that'd be very unamerican, our motto is more along the lines of 'fuck them before they fuck you'

In the case of Best Buy, that's precisely why there is this little organization known as the Better Business Bureau, to stop companies from pulling this shit.
Been by the headquarters many times out there in Richfield. Big, nice new place they built there. One of my sisters best friends works there. Don't care much for the company. It's been so long since I've shopped there, but I did get a $50 gift card and called to see if it depreciates if I don't use and they said no, so that was cool. Meh...I like Target.
After working there shortly, yeah, they're a business and if you think anything else, you're fooling yourself. Ya gotta remember that they have shareholders and a laundry list of other things to worry about having an actual store front that will make them seem cold and callous compared to certain website. But those sites have their downfalls too.
I went to Toy-R-Us yesterday because they were having a sale on video games. They tried to sell me a service plan. For a video game.

Best Buy has no monopoly on that shit.
