Best Buy can :blowjob: me. Seriously. It's a corporate monster now. It was great when it was still a contender, but now that it's the "champ", it's become "let's rape as many consumers as possible. Oh and fuck our own employee's too." They don't even TRY to hide it anymore....
I hate Best Buy with the passion of 1,000 burning suns.
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Best Buy has had the same policies in place since the mid 90s. When I worked there in high school, it was probably worse than it is now, because the average knowledge of a computer was a fraction of what it is now.
That's what they do!! My brother and I build/repair computers (we don't have a store or anything) and it's just INSANE what Geek Squad/Best Buy does to customers.
Did you know that you don't even have to go to school to become a member of Geek Squad?? :eek: It's "recommended" but not required. Any schlep can walk in and BS their way into a job there...
That's fairly standard for the computer repair industry. Unless you're working for some sort of high brow private company, for the most part, you don't really need schooling on computer repair, because 90% of the repairs performed are typically the same thing. If companies are really pushed, they'll tell employees to get A+ certified, which is the computer equivalent of being potty-trained.
I never understood the hatred behind big companies despite it seems everybody always shops there. GameStop is another place I never understood why people hold such hatred towards.
Gamestop is a plain and simple rip-off. As a customer, I want to be assured that when I trade in a game, I'm at least getting fair value for it. It doesn't have to be full price, simply
fair value. The fact that Gamestop charges roughly $15 more for the average game, and gives back roughly $20 less make me wonder about their legitimacy. By in large, Gamestop receives the business it does because it bought out it's only real competition at the time. With the rise of Amazon and a select few other retailers, that trend is dying however. But just to stay relevant, Gamestop cut deals with developers to offer in game unlocks before you can buy the game type of deals, which personally stinks to high heaven.