Best body in porn?????

Thanks Babe!!!


Total fucking minxxxs.
Nina Mercedez wins every poll, discussion, argument, whatever.

If you are starting a thread to determine who has the hottest body, or who is the most beautiful woman of all time, or who looks best in fishnets etc...Nina already won.

She's a step above the rest. A few steps actually. About 6 steps up, with a nice skirt on. And thigh highs. Giving the rest of us down below a nice view :D

The gym rats really don't seem to enjoy the sex as much as others. Perhaps they are concentrating on their next work out.

Being a fan of oral sex, I am more interested in her face, enthusiasm, expressions, and skills.

Sex is not a flattering way to portray someones figure as they wriggle around on floors and beds. I'd rather see a great figure walking up a staircase than wriggling on a bed.