Best amature porn sites

What are the best sites for amature porn, preferably free but no totally against paying. None of that fake pleasebangmywife crap either.


DOA, you've upset this poster.

You should make it up to him by suggesting a few good amateur sites.

... what was that one site where those mature hotties get busy? or something? :dunno:
I dont deal in amateurs, I only ask for the best.

However, given that the most inept of bedroom bound horny 16 year olds can find better porn and easier, I'll leave it up to him to find the hottest pieces of "amature" ass out there.

(Incidentally my quipping over the spelling of amateur was intended to point out that google or yahoo would yield more accurate results with correct spelling.)
I really like submityourex (including submityourmom and submityourflicks). Takes a bit of navigating around really but I've found some great stuff there. Has the occasional few that obviously aren't real amateur but 99% of them seem legit. Hope you enjoy it!
Not at all, I simply chose to point out that youd find what you were looking for if you actually fucking spelt it right.

i still didnt catch that link you posted. thats right you didnt have anything to post other than a useless jackass remark.
i still didnt catch that link you posted. thats right you didnt have anything to post other than a useless jackass remark.

I have plenty more if you like. Dont think you can start a thread and impose rules on what people can post in it, this is freeones and we post what we like, where we like. I dont see "Moderator" under your name, until I do, Ill say what I like in this thread.

P.S The more you piss and moan about it, the further off topic I can stray.
I agree with Shifty, isn't there a good site with a citrus name? Lime, lemon....something like that?