Belladonna: Cartoon of the Day!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::reads the comics:: Huh. Not bad. Who posts.. O_O

Officially checked.. Belladonna. Hot damn! It's her. You.

This is funny stuff Bella, welcome to the boards and keep posting. Are these all original ideas of yours? What goes into the process of making these?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
They're like penthouse.. but actually worth a chuckle. Not bad at all, B.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
This is funny stuff Bella, welcome to the boards and keep posting. Are these all original ideas of yours? What goes into the process of making these?

I give some ideas to the artist, its the same guy that does the Hustler and Penthouse cartoons. And he makes me a new one everyday.
[B][URL=" said:
Belladonna[/URL][/B], post: 1231698, member: 78142"]Cartoon of the Day - Feb. 22nd 2007

lol, thats funny :rofl:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I give some ideas to the artist, its the same guy that does the Hustler and Penthouse cartoons. And he makes me a new one everyday.

I knew the artwork was familiar. Nicely done. :bow:


Thanks for sharing all of your cartoons. They are all really really funny


are you talking to me?
lol! LOVE the one of Feb. 23rd !!! :D :D :D


I really enjoy the comics, they are all really funny:D