Believe in Yourself Fail

When all else fails beat yourself senselessly over the head with a piece of wood until you pass out. Only then will your life be complete.
Pfft! My collection of celebrity jerk socks makes my life complete.

But then again, I suppose there's always room for a good, sturdy piece of wood to hold onto .... and crack against your skull.

The only way I find peace is to beat myself into bloody unconsciousness. It's entirely your fault. If you weren't such a waste of skin I might be consoled, as I'd then have a worth while friend. As it is, the wood-to-the-head is the better alternative.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You know you've hit yourself on the head too many times when you think this is motivational.
If only he believed in himself...

...and only if he's something that was not pressed with clue....
Thats how you do it!