Ask what it's like to be in the far-and-away majority, because that's being white in the Western world. It's that simple.
The majority abuses its position, consciously and unconsciously, and the minority suffer the outcomes, with little or no voice. This is simple math.
The distinction with white America is that we've ALWAYS been KEENLY aware of the phenomenon, and we designed a government ruled by checks and balances, introspective, and self-healing (through amendment, etc), to perpetually address the danger, and to insure true representative democracy. Are we great at being white people "you" approve of? Hardly. Are we trying harder than anyone else in the world at being majority white, and fair? You better Goddamn well believe it. Americans are better than most people, because we resolve to be - it's our heritage. If that chaps your ass, I too am sorry that you're not an American, but you can sign up for it.
Talk to world despots about their inner turmoil over the minorities that they rendered mulch.
Better still, talk to little white kids in public school in Hawaii, bullied, harassed, and prejudiced against from the majority Asian and Native Hawaiian populations. Is anyone overturning cars for them?
Evahbody wanna hate whitey. 'cause that don't take much thinkin'.