Being White

I have a question. What is it like being a white man?

I see this photo and I say to myself that if it was Juan or Jamal reaching for his gun that police officer would've put 20 shots into him. So again I ask, what is it like being a white man?



You people are really something with these kinds of questions.

I went to a school that was 1/4 white, 1/4 black, 1/4 hispanic and 1/4 asian. The blacks were by far the most racist.

What's it like? Its good and bad - just like everyone else and having to listen to other races make you and themselves out to be some fictional nonsense all the time. That's what it's like.
You people are really something with these kinds of questions.

I went to a school that was 1/4 white, 1/4 black, 1/4 hispanic and 1/4 asian. The blacks were by far the most racist.

What's it like? Its good and bad - just like everyone else and having to listen to other races make you and themselves out to be some fictional nonsense all the time. That's what it's like.

"You people"

Who the fuck is "you people"?????
Dino: not always. I was denied the opportunity to even interview for a job back in 2004, because Executive Management had decided the position would be filled by a Minority candidate. Because part of the Executive bonus structure was geared so that 50 percent of people placed into those positions over the year was a criteria.. The person who got the job was Chinese.
I don't know about that guy in the pic. If I did what he's doing, I'd expect to be shot just as quickly as anyone else. Whether true or not, I've never felt more entitled or safe than anyone else around me, or that rules should apply to other people any different to me.
Sorry if that's not very helpful. Without knowing what it's like to be a non-white man, I have a hard time saying what it's like to be a white man. In the places where I've lived I don't think it's been that different.
Dino: not always. I was denied the opportunity to even interview for a job back in 2004, because Executive Management had decided the position would be filled by a Minority candidate. Because part of the Executive bonus structure was geared so that 50 percent of people placed into those positions over the year was a criteria.. The person who got the job was Chinese.

Reverse Discrimination and Quotas are definitely wrong but I bet you still wouldn't trade your White skin for another color.


Hiliary 2020
Depends where I'm at. When i'm in my neck of the woods its ok, but when I travel to downtown Newark to buy crack it sometimes can be a problem.
Actually its the same as being Black, only our tattoos stand out a bit more (PS I hate tattoos).


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
We need Sam Fisher to be here to answer this. Unfortunately he's gone. I'm white so I'll answer.
I see this photo and I say to myself that if it was Juan or Jamal reaching for his gun that police officer would've put 20 shots into him. So again I ask, what is it like being a white man?
First off, the cop who is the mediator is trying his best to defuse the situation. So not necessarily would he be shooting anyone. REGARDLESS of race. Black, White, Asian, etc. Too much paperwork to deal with. Then he goes on report for months. Relegated to being inside. A desk job. Maybe a departmental hearing? Maybe a further suspension, thrown off the police force. etc, etc.? Then, next come the lawsuits. No, he just doesn't open fire on anyone.

What a dumb fucking idea for a thread! What are you trying to do? Incite hatred?
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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Disingenuous. Of the roughly 500 fatal police involved shootings in the US every year, about 25% of them are black people. That's a remarkably low number for a demographic that constitutes about 12% of the population but commits 40% of the violent crimes in America. And when you look at the annual number of police interactions with the public and the number of shootings involved, that number is even more remarkable. There are usually about 60,000,000 police interactions in the US every year, ranging from traffic stops all the way to Officer Involved Shootings. So any contact with law enforcement runs a 0.000833333333% chance of death. While that's not ideal in any society it hardly indicates a shooter's bias or vast racial conspiracy.
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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I sent this photo to my uncle (a retired Fed). And I asked him what would happen if a person (Black or White) touched his sidearm during a dispute. His comment was, "his family would need to plan a funeral. At the very least, he'd be held at gunpoint by the cop. Touching or reaching for a firearm is a BIG no-no." Now, Unc was never a beat cop and most of his activities involved fugitives and such. So maybe their rules of engagement were somewhat different than cops on the street, but still... :unsure: What the cop in this photo is doing, or what's really going on (is the guy holstering the weapon once the cop has arrived or preparing to draw?), I have absolutely no idea of the context. But just on the face, and going by my uncle's take, I can't imagine any cop taking the HUGE risk that he could talk someone out of drawing a weapon if he's already set to draw, especially since the cop has his gun hand no where near his own weapon.

But look, I don't disagree that there's racial, gender and socio-economic bias in the U.S. criminal justice system and among certain members of law enforcement (given the exact same crime, I'd MUCH rather go into a court room as an upper middle class white female than a poor black or brown male). I'm just not sure what this photo is showing.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I would bet his hand was on that gun BEFORE the cop was in front of him......he's probably on the scene because this guy is carrying openly, and complaints were made. Considering I see at least one other cop in the background, and he would have been warned not to touch it, they most likely would have guns drawn already, if he did it in their presence as a show of defiance, AFTER being told not to.

Pictures like this suck. No context, no explanations....just a shit ton of conclusions to draw.
Pictures like this suck. No context, no explanations....just a shit ton of conclusions to draw.
And that's exactly whhat you did : draw conclusions out of a single picture without any idea of the context or whatever. Yet ypu draw the conclusions that matches the most with your ideas and agenda. And by doing that you proved you're not beter than those claiming that picture is a ax example, a proof of white privilege.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
And that's exactly whhat you did : draw conclusions out of a single picture without any idea of the context or whatever. Yet ypu draw the conclusions that matches the most with your ideas and agenda. And by doing that you proved you're not beter than those claiming that picture is a ax example, a proof of white privilege.

No assclown, what I did was, express an opinion, which is clearly obvious by my wording, and explain why pictures like this cause more problems, then help.

Mind your own fucked up country froggy.
Ask what it's like to be in the far-and-away majority, because that's being white in the Western world. It's that simple.

The majority abuses its position, consciously and unconsciously, and the minority suffer the outcomes, with little or no voice. This is simple math.

The distinction with white America is that we've ALWAYS been KEENLY aware of the phenomenon, and we designed a government ruled by checks and balances, introspective, and self-healing (through amendment, etc), to perpetually address the danger, and to insure true representative democracy. Are we great at being white people "you" approve of? Hardly. Are we trying harder than anyone else in the world at being majority white, and fair? You better Goddamn well believe it. Americans are better than most people, because we resolve to be - it's our heritage. If that chaps your ass, I too am sorry that you're not an American, but you can sign up for it.

Talk to world despots about their inner turmoil over the minorities that they rendered mulch.

Better still, talk to little white kids in public school in Hawaii, bullied, harassed, and prejudiced against from the majority Asian and Native Hawaiian populations. Is anyone overturning cars for them?

Evahbody wanna hate whitey. 'cause that don't take much thinkin'.