Be Greener - Don't buy..

Good link - thanks!

Yeah, I've been trying to ween my own family and my brother off of the paper towels. They really are unnecessary. They just scream out "Too lazy to take a bit of extra effort to clean properly...or avoid messes in the first place!"
...and as evidence that I have cut back on my use of paper towels, consider that the neighbor kids have started calling our cat "Crusty"!



at both of my jobs we have some of those things
You just listed everything that allows my roommates to survive. If I took away any of those products they would die a slow, miserable death.
I'm going to buy everything on this list and then throw it out in the middle of the road, just because someone told me that I shouldn't. that will sure show all those commie tree huggers who is boss.
Don't buy paper towels? What are we supposed to jerk off into? The couch pillows?
I only use paper towels for the occasional thing where a regular towel is either impractical or where I don't want something to permanently stain or damage it, like when I clean some of my artwork utensils. One roll of paper towels usually last me months and months.