Battlefield 3. (


These are friken GAMEPLAY screens, not movie trailers:


Just can't wait any longer, release date is October 2011 (10.25.2011)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Battlefield and CoD are overrated.
This is going to be leaps and bounds better than COD MW3. I'm trying so hard to get my friends to buy this the day it comes out, I love the online but I rarely play any online games without them.
Battlefield and CoD are overrated.


How many contemporary military shooters do we really need?

Dust 514 is the only FPS that I'm looking forward to at this point.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The only FPS' I've enjoyed are the first Medal of Honour, Medal of Honour: Allied Assault and America's Army.
Everyone should probably take a step back for a second and realize that amazing graphics doesn't necessarily translate into great gameplay.

You guys obviously have forgotten about the first Crysis game.


what the fuck you lookin at?
hmmm...2 OCSMs with moist pussy in anticipation of this game...:flame:

Everyone should probably take a step back for a second and realize that amazing graphics doesn't necessarily translate into great gameplay.

You guys obviously have forgotten about the first Crysis game.

Not I sir! Never played crysis, but I realize purdy graphics don't mean shit when it comes to game play. Sure the thing may look like a damn movie, but if the controls are crap or the the gameplay is garbage, that'll ruin a game fast! HOWEVER, so will shitty graphics! A game needs to have a nice mix. Most games these days have one or the other.