Bank deposit bag containing over $8000 found and returned by R. Lee Ermey

No way would I hand it back in. Finders keepers and all that.

In this day and age it doesn't pay to play it by the book and be honest as much as you'd like to be. You get fucked [and not in a nice way] if your too honest. I read recently about a guy who found money in a bag and him handing it in [around ten grand] to the police and they arrested him because they thought he had something to do with the cash, they thought it might have been drug money or stolen or something. He got arrested for being honest and handing it in. Fuck that. And fuck that bunch of fascist bastards [the police]. Thatcher's Bully Boys is what I call the police, or you could call them The Doughnut Patrol.
definitely deservers some props alright.

mind you, I hate to rain on the parade here but couldn't/wouldn't the fuzz just trace the numbers on the notes.
so in reality, his a55 would be grass, if he tried spending it.


Closed Account
gotta love R. Lee. too bad they turned his historical show Mail Call into a who-cares-about-the-new-crap show and cancelled it
"here's your money you worthless maggot! what is your major malfunction?!?"

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I think he's paraphrasing the doughnut scene from Full Metal Jacket.
I did this once. Found a $100 bill at work, gave it to my manager. I was new and thought it was a test. Several managers went out that night and I heard he bought several rounds. I wonder what he payed with?.... I don't return money anymore no matter the amount.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
He probably is an honest man with integrity...he's a Marine. But lets face it, he's famous, and in the spotlight, and if he would have kept it, it could have been the worst thing he ever did. It only takes one minor indiscretion, to sully years of impeccable reputation.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
It is good to see honesty and integrity still exist, plus getting your money returned by R. Lee is pretty cool.


what the fuck you lookin at?
That guy was hilarious in Full Metal Jacket!
It's nice he did that. I always try to find the rightful owner of money whenever possible. Not only is it the right thing to do, but also you don't know if you will hurt somebody by keeping it. Maybe the person that had it was a real jerk or maybe he's a nice guy that desperately needs it.

To play devil's advocate in this situation though I could point out it's much easier to do what he did when your kind of famous probably very well off before you found the money. It's even a truer test of character when You Might have to give up something significant to do the right thing.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I wonder what he would have done if it was $8 million? :confused::dunno:

Props to him for doing the right thing.....


definitely deservers some props alright.

mind you, I hate to rain on the parade here but couldn't/wouldn't the fuzz just trace the numbers on the notes.
so in reality, his a55 would be grass, if he tried spending it.

What gives you that idea?
It's a deposit...who has a record of serial numbers for a deposit?
He could spend a few thousand and who would know?
No one but him...and he, like many other truly honest people, wouldn't sell his self-respect and integrity for a small sum like $8 or $9,000.

I'm sure the "you're a fool to be honest" people have sold it already for cheap; Dollar store prices...
I have seen smart people actually choose to be honest, and I had one guy hand me a bit over $5,000 I had put away during a busy sales week, and forgotten.
I was moving, and told him he could have the bricks and boards I used to make shelves for my merchandise; I forgot about it until I returned to see what needed cleaning out, and he handed me the fanny pack full of $5, $10, $20, and $50 bills...I had to insist he take a $1000 for returning money I had no idea existed.
He was a tough sell...:D
Yeah I hate to say it, but there was a time when I would return that bag, but not any more. Today's world is pretty much dog eat dog, and you can bet that if I lost a bag of money, no one would turn it in. I know that sounds cynical, but everyone's just trying to get by these days. If I found a few thousand dollars I'd keep it and try to convince myself that it was just good karma coming my way or something.

Although did anyone see the movie No Country for Old Men? That movie makes me think twice about whether I'd "take" a suitcase full of cash should I happen to stumble upon one.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Well there's 2 sides of me on this one:

Part of me is honest when it comes to money. At work, if I see a penny on a floor or any change, I put it with the rest of it because I don't know if it's the store's or the customer's. I've been called the most honest person at work and I take pride in that.

Now the other part of me is, if I found $8,000 lying around, I'd take it not look back in a heartbeat. With the way this country is, $8,000 is a major score!