definitely deservers some props alright.
mind you, I hate to rain on the parade here but couldn't/wouldn't the fuzz just trace the numbers on the notes.
so in reality, his a55 would be grass, if he tried spending it.
What gives you that idea?
It's a deposit...who has a record of serial numbers for a deposit?
He could spend a few thousand and who would know?
No one but him...and he, like many other truly honest people, wouldn't sell his self-respect and integrity for a small sum like $8 or $9,000.
I'm sure the "you're a fool to be honest" people have sold it already for cheap; Dollar store prices...
I have seen smart people actually choose to be honest, and I had one guy hand me a bit over $5,000 I had put away during a busy sales week, and forgotten.
I was moving, and told him he could have the bricks and boards I used to make shelves for my merchandise; I forgot about it until I returned to see what needed cleaning out, and he handed me the fanny pack full of $5, $10, $20, and $50 bills...I had to insist he take a $1000 for returning money I had no idea existed.
He was a tough sell...