The following problems are that in some areas of the towns with the highest criminality records, there are either:
-no real educational structure
-no real and decently paid jobs
-no real safety after certain hours of the day or even the whole day
-no real following from parents of what their kids do after 10pm
-admiration for the thug mentality and police hatred
Here is a link from the federal bureau of prison from march 2015 that indicates that there are more whites behind bars than blacks
I don't believe that blacks are more prone to crimes than other people. In some towns, where there are a big gap and huge differences between rich and poors or even gang related wars, it is sadly often people who have not enough high revenues or even those who committed repeated offenses, who are doomed to commit them again. Looting, rioting, stealing and advocating the murder of cops is not going to make things better but only just worse. When you lack to solve the problems of bad suburbs in huge towns, it always become worse and worse. Perhaps the mayors who were at the head of some the towns with the high crime rate I have listed, have completely forgotten what residentiality and safety mean. Also when most of wealthy and influent people leave a town, they leave a town with a very small amount of money and chances to become something bad and prone to criminality and extreme poverty.
Thanks for the reply. What you are saying, then, is that political and socio-economic issues are actually the causative factors that lead to the depressed conditions that we see in so many of the predominantly-black communities across the USA, correct? If that is true (and I agree wholeheartedly), why do you so frequently make such derogatory and general negative references to the citizens of these ghettos? These people in general are (like it or not), first and foremost, victims....victims of a lack of education or skills, lack of a nuclear family, lack of economic or occupational opportunity within the local community, lack of trust or respect for those in authority, lack of incentive that has created a welfare culture and, as illustrated by recent reactions to what many of them perceive to be repeated and racially-motivated abuses against them by the police and government, lack of hope. Once hope is lost, really bad things like we witnessed this past week in Baltimore are bound to occur. It's sad that, after all these years of so-called social progress, the protesters feel the need to remind all of us that "Black lives matter".
That said, I totally agree with you that violence is no way to address these issues. In fact, all it does is create a diversion from the real issues and encourage some people to form biased negative opinions about the entire black community. I also would also contend that, as within any demographic group, there are indeed some inherently bad people who are doing some really bad things within these ghetto environments. However, you cannot apply general labels to the entire community simply due to the actions of those who represent the worst and most extreme element of the populace.
You want to know what the real crime is concerning this situation? The fact that in a nation as wealthy and powerful as the United States we have large segments of our society that are living under these deplorable and seemingly hopeless conditions. I don't know if we have the national resolve to change it but it appears to me that we are in serious retrograde when it comes to working toward improving the plight of the disadvantaged....hence, race riots ala the 1960s are the result. Shameful really. I'm not saying this as some armchair liberal sitting out in the suburbs with no exposure to life in the ghetto either. Back in the 1970s, I worked for a number of years in East St. Louis, Illinois which, if you've ever been there, you know is one of the most economically-depressed ghettos in the nation with nearly half the population (which is 99% black BTW) living below the poverty level and a 30% unemployment rate. I saw it first-hand and it ain't pretty. Here's an excellent short video that illustrates the decline of a once-thriving city and the challenge of escaping the resulting ghetto environment that is now the result. It's easily worth the time for anyone who truly cares about this issue. If you're someone who doesn't care about the issue, you are a big part of the problem:
Side note: your statistics showing more whites being incarcerated nationally than blacks is obviously skewed since the US population is 64% white and only 12% black. Therefore, at 59% and 38% respectively, there is a disproportionately higher percentage of the black population that is in prison than the white.
Thanks again for your insightful reply to my query. :hatsoff:
Freddie Grey is arrested for having an illegal weapon
Another passenger in the van, also an alleged criminal, states Grey is heard trying to hurt himself while being transported
Grey had back surgery that week, than instead of staying home to recover, he goes out to sell and or buy dope
Six police officers are arrested without a shred of evidence
Let's put the facts into perspective.
Freddie Grey is arrested for having an illegal weapon.
Grey is placed in police van.
Another passenger in the van, also an alleged criminal, states Grey is heard trying to hurt himself while being transported.
Grey had back surgery that week, than instead of staying home to recover, he goes out to sell and or buy dope.
Grey dies one week after he is arrested.
Ignorant racist people protest violently, committing arson, looting, injuring innocents, and demanding vengeance, not justice.
Six police officers are arrested without a shred of evidence.
Ignorant racist people say this is justice.
This is giving in to mob rule, plain and simple. This is a case of negligence at worst for not using seat belts in the transport and should be a civil matter rather than criminal.
This prosecutor should be removed from this case since she is acting as a an agent of a political agenda and not the rule of law. That mayor should be recalled from office for the same reason. She is using the colors of her office to also push her left wing views. Mob rule never ends well for anyone.
What happens when these Cops all walk on all criminal charges since this is not a criminal case?
Yeah Dino. But the fact that the driver is white proves that it's rampant racism. (parody)
Yeah Dino. But the fact that the driver is white proves that it's rampant racism. (parody)
"This is a very sad day for justice . . . Today had nothing to do with justice. Today was crowd control. Everything was motivated by a threat of riots and a desire to prevent riots," Dershowitz said on "The Steve Malzberg Show."
"The mayor outrageously said we're going to get justice for the victim, the family and people of Baltimore, never mentioning the defendants. Under our Constitution, the only people who are entitled to justice are the defendants.
"They are presumed innocent, they need due process of law, and the mayor and the state attorney have made it virtually impossible for these defendants to get a fair trial. They have been presumed guilty."
Good possibilities for sure but why your penchant for giant color bold font lately? This isn't the Kennedy Assassination for crissakes!!!