Bad Mothers

Re: And The Mother Of The Year Award Goes Too......

I thought it would go to Lindsay Lohan in utero. She's smoking crack for two now you know.
Re: And The Mother Of The Year Award Goes Too......

Some of those look extremely Photoshopped. Also, they may be bad parents but i bet they know the difference between to and too.

If there were a way to prove it, I'd bet they don't. And those aren't shopped.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: And The Mother Of The Year Award Goes Too......

Wrong forum. And you're retarded.


Christa Omalley RN
First I would call CPS, and then castrate this ignorant woman assuming she is the child’s mother nevertheless what a waste of section 8. The poor and uneducated in this world are in a vicious cycle, which deals with generations within all races.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
All the wrong, in all of these posts...are what make them so right!