Bacon Deodorant,0,4521327.story#axzz2k6YE5w2i

If I were a cop I'd slather myself in the stuff. Get a suspect in the back of the car then grin looking into the rear-view saying, "Shoulda smelled the bacon coming, fucker! Now you're in my pen!"

Where's Spexy when you need her?
Lucky this stuff isn't gel based since I tend to drip sweat like a water fall with gel deodorants, I'd be a walking grease fire waiting to happen if im around an open Flame :Flame:

I hate gel based deodorant but it last so much longer I find.

What does everyone else use ?
Lucky this stuff isn't gel based since I tend to drip sweat like a water fall with gel deodorants, I'd be a walking grease fire waiting to happen if im around an open Flame :Flame:

I hate gel based deodorant but it last so much longer I find.

What does everyone else use ?

Irish Spring dry deodorant. Also Irish Spring body wash. Then Brut after shave. If green has a smell, I'm it.
Irish Spring soap bars is all I use of that brand but love it too, maybe give the deodorant a try.